Push Aftertouch and MPE data while Button_Matrix is "grabbed"

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Push Aftertouch and MPE data while Button_Matrix is "grabbed"

Post by jordo » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:19 am


I'm working on a m4l device that takes over control of the grid and turns it into 64 user assignable macro controls but I'm running a problem that I'd appreciate some crowd sourced advice/suggestions:

I'm unable to collect incoming aftertouch or mpe events from Push when a m4l device has "grabbed" the push Button_Matrix.

When the button matrix is "released" and operating normally, monophonic, polyphonic, and mpe data events come from push via a midiin object (As I'd expect)

When "grabbing" Button_Matrix and overriding the grids normal operation mode, midi data isn't outputted when Push midi settings are mpe or polyphonic aftertouch but monophonic aftertouch midi data is outputted when Push midi settings are monophonic aftertouch.

Reference for "grabbing" and "releasing" elements of a control_surface with live.object: https://docs.cycling74.com/max8/vignett ... rolSurface

Here is a video example of the situation with a demo device that reads midi and live.observer messages: https://youtu.be/olswljSsYoE
Here is a link to a simple demo device, controls and overview in the description: https://maxforlive.com/library/device.php?id=10315

I'm unsure if this is a bug or if aftertouch and mpe midi data is not intended to be transmitted when a the button matrix on push is grabbed. There doesn't seem to be an alternative for capturing aftertouch or mpe events in this scenario, am I missing some magical api call to fix this?

I'd like to shout out isotonik studios for making some great m4l devices and sharing his knowledge of the ecosystem. I was completely lost trying to understand how max interacts with the push.

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Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:57 pm

Re: Push Aftertouch and MPE data while Button_Matrix is "grabbed"

Post by jordo » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:46 am

Something else worth noting, I've tried reading events from the Mpe_Pitch_Bend_Elements child of the Push3 control_surface but it doesn't seem to emit messages regardless of:

- calling grab_control or get_control on the live.observer object
- midi mode on Push (monophonic aftertouch, polyphonic aftertouch, or mpe)

Does Mpe_Pitch_Bend_Elements work for anyone else?

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