Arm button MIDI problems...

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Arm button MIDI problems...

Post by satyrnicus » Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:45 pm


I'm trying assign the Arm track buttons to a buttons on my Oxygen 49 so I can switch between different keyboard sounds during a live performance. For some reason, I have to push the button two times to get the track to arm. This is very inconvenient as I often can't see my laptop while performing and I'm not sure if I'm on the right sound.

Any ideas?

I'm on some pretty tight stages, if you can call them that, and I only want to bring the Oxygen 49 and switch between different tones while playing, rather than bring multiple controllers. How do other people do this?

Many thanks,

- roberto

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Post by 8O » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:18 pm

Hi, yeah, I know that problem, I get the same kinda thing with the buttons on my UC-33e controller. The reason is that my buttons were configured to send out MIDI CCs as 148 Note (On/Off Toggle). You need to change the MIDI CC to 147 Note (On/Off) and then it'll work fine. Check your Oxygen manual for how to edit the MIDI CCs for the buttons.

For your second question, can you give more info as to what you mean by different tones? If you want to switch between different instruments, there are lots of ways to achieve this, the most straight-forward one would be to put each different instrument on a separate track and then just switch between tracks while you're playing (by switching the arm button, which is now working perfectly :-) ). Alternatives are using hotswapped patches or racks, and I'm sure there are yet more methods...

Hope that helps!

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