Has this every happened to YOU while using LOOPER?

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Has this every happened to YOU while using LOOPER?

Post by ekord123 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:50 am

I'm routing audio in and out of ableton, and I have two instances of looper (to record different loops from different inputs). Using my beringer fcb1010 foot pedal, I have a single button mapped to the "pedal" button on BOTH loopers (this way I push the button, play something, push it again so that the loop plays, and even though only one of the loopers actually recorded audio, they have recorded the same length so quantizing should not be an issue). instead of hearing my last recorded loop, it plays it through once, and then the "undo" button activates for some reason, and the previous loop i recorded plays (or silence if it is my first loop).

this is confusing because I checked my mappings, I have a seperate button mapped to "undo", and even if i undo the mapping it still occurs. furthermore, I have replaced my instance of looper, restarted ableton, etc. always the same issue.

any thoughts experiences?

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Re: Has this every happened to YOU while using LOOPER?

Post by misteralan » Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:54 pm

Yes I am unsuccessful in getting anything out of Looper..and I am experiencing similar weirdness as you described.
I am using:
OSX 10.6.8
Live 8.2.8.
what about you?

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Re: Has this every happened to YOU while using LOOPER?

Post by yur2die4 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:43 pm

Are you mapping using midi notes instead of cc#s?
