Sync Track based on Overlaid .Wav - Pink Floyd Tribute Gig

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Sync Track based on Overlaid .Wav - Pink Floyd Tribute Gig

Post by jbowman » Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:09 am

Apologies if this has been asked before. Here's my scenario... I have to do a Pink Floyd tribute gig and I'd like to use Ableton to handle a few things: Sampling, triggering, backing vocals, multi-guitar and synth tracks, etc. All this may be a stretch, as I'm new to Ableton. I have done work with drum machines from the Roland R-8 era, and have played with Cakewalk, again from around 5-8 years in the past.

I have all the original material converted to .wav format and am about to dump it into Ableton for use as reference tracks. (One would do this, right?) I'm thinking along the same lines as an illustrator tracing over a print.

I was wondering however how I'd adjust the metronome to fit the original material. Does Ableton analyze whole tracks and auto-sync the metronome? If not, do you manually play along to the track and have your input become the sync track?

I'm assuming that whatever samples I overlay can be assigned to midi notes for triggering. Is this straightforward? Has anyone got experience triggering samples from KAT or other drum pads?

Finally, has anyone else tackled similar Pink Floyd gigs / songs, or is interested in helping out as I try and exploit Ableton for handling this type of gig? Hopefully I won't have to re-create the wheel entirely.

P.S. As an aside, can Ableton drive light shows as well?

Thanks, Jim

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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:21 am

Re: Sync Track based on Overlaid .Wav - Pink Floyd Tribute Gig

Post by VoltVisionFrenchy » Mon May 13, 2024 1:30 am

Hello Jim from 17 years ago!
1) Did you get it all sorted out for the gig 17 years ago?
2) Luckily here in the future, Live now has the ability to set the original WAV file as "tempo lead" which allows it to play @ the original speed. It doesnt matter how loose the original is with the tempo because you can warp it and force the beats/click/midi to follow the original tempo. It is fun, but I have always done the warping manually...each song usually has breaks/quirks/cut-time, etc that thwart the "auto" efforts, but maybe I am wrong.
3) Once you get the beats to follow the original, then you can setup midi clips on your new boundaries which have notes or lyrics or even lighting triggers like you were asking about. I have also been enjoying Ableset to display the lyrics/song sections during playback. I wish I would have thought of Ableset 17years ago!
4) Yes, I have experience triggering samples with drum triggers taped to a glass head.
5) Lemme know if any questions. I am tempo mapping some old-school Pink Floyd recordings now (amongst others like Iron Maiden and Grateful Dead). I wish there was a library of pre-mapped songs as .als files.

Good luck,

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