Current Beta Version: 8.2.4b2 (updated June 14, 2011)

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Current Beta Version: 8.2.4b2 (updated June 14, 2011)

Post by Ableton_David » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:54 pm

The current beta version of Live is 8.2.4b2 - the new beta corrects the previous issues with the Windows installer. You can download it here:

Windows: ...

OSX: ... _824b2.dmg

----- Changelog -----


· Switch OVR ON or OFF does not create an Undo step anymore
· MIDI sync has been improved when Live is a MIDI clock slave
· Imported tracks (from the Live Browser) now route to Master if their original output routing can't be resolved, instead of "Sends Only"
· The default for the Takeover mode in the MIDI Preferences is now Value Scaling instead of Pick-up
· We now prevent choosing the root of the system hard drive (or the Windows system folders on Windows machines) as the third-party plugin location. Doing that would crash Live on startup, because these folders contain files that are interpreted as third-party plugins.

Bugs fixed:

· Fixed an installer problem on Windows machines
· Live could crash when previewing clips in the Live Browser that contain modulations that can't be played back because of the freezing
· Track names could be incorrectly displayed when unfolding a Live set in the Live Browser. This only happened for "automatic names" that tracks get from the Instrument they contain.
-> Note: For Live Sets saved in earlier versions, names of tracks containing Racks, Max for Live devices or third-party plugins may still look wrong. Re-saving the Sets will fix the problem.
· Detail view appeared empty after Hot-Swapping an unfolded Rack, because devices were scrolled out of view.
· Infinitely long clips would be created if rewinding the global transport while making a new recording.
· Some Operator presets could sound different when loading them, and then creating or moving a track.
· The Frontier Design Tranzport was not getting updated when switching tracks.
· Live crashed on launch with the latest developer build of Mac OS X Lion.
· The green zoom button was sometimes disabled on Mac OSX.
· Resuming a clip in Session view while the track is armed but OVR is OFF could result in the clip not playing its notes.
· Seven crashes were also fixed
