Possible to disable Live's midi stability buffer? (SBX-1)

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Possible to disable Live's midi stability buffer? (SBX-1)

Post by detroitechno » Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:00 am

Recently purchased a Roland SBX-1, and it has an amazing swing feature (called shuffle on the unit) that will swing any external sequencers.

It's swinging my TR-606/707/727/808, TB-303, SH-101, MC-202, Elektron Rytm, along with about 10 other external sequencer devices absolutely perfectly.

But Live seems to be buffering the incoming clock to stabilize it, which of course is a great thing for 99.9% of uses.

Is there a way you can disable it's buffer, so that the incoming clock will run 1:1 with the external signal?

I used to disable ReWire, and a few other features by modifying a settings file that Live would read upon loading and disable features based on some basic coding.

Anyone know if destabilizing the clock is possible? I'd love to swing Live's sequencer along with all my hardware.
A bunch of gear, cords, and a computer...

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