mapping 1 button for multiple functions/multiple midi commands

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mapping 1 button for multiple functions/multiple midi commands

Post by Scribbles » Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:03 pm

Building an arduino foot pedal. I need to program a button that I can hit ONCE that will send 2 COMMANDS that Ableton will receive in the CORRECT ORDER.

The type of flexible music I want to perform (hands are busy with instruments) is currently impossible with Ableton for these reasons...
a) I'm looking at a computer screen and at my pedal instead of looking up and connecting with my audience.
b) I'm concentrating too much on the software to play the way I want to play.
c) I could solve this with a looper pedal if I wanted all my songs to be one repeating loop without dynamic improvisational changes (i dont).
d) I know exactly how I could do this if only I had hands for feet (i dont).
e) I have been watching the market but there is no pedal like this. Maybe I'm the only improv musician in Covid quarantine, but someone else is going to find this useful.

I'm building a pedal w/ arduino and simple momentary on buttons to control simple session functions. They'll probably send midi notes or maybe CCs or something, I don't even know yet. But the point, without giving too much away, is to make it ergonomically intuitive so that I don't have to concentrate on navigation at all. I can play multiple instruments in a free fashion that allows me to keep my brain energy in the song and in the crowd while creating music that is too complex for a looper pedal, yet I wont even have to look at my rig much. In short, I want Ableton to be able to play with me the way a Jazz band or Jam band would (or how a DJ can, but without hands). The only thing stopping this from already being done is that there is one major activity that happens at the pedal. It involves too many clicks spread out across the board for the above to be possible before the beat gets to 1. I have this solved in terms of design and ergonomics. BUUUUUT I need a button that I can hit ONCE that will send 2 COMMANDS that Ableton will receive in the CORRECT ORDER.

1. I've heard that MAX for Live can do this. I'll go that rout if I have to. Sounds useful to know anyway. But am I about to spend weeks learning a whole new language? I'm not a programmer. This wont be easy.

2. Is there an option in Ableton I haven't heard of where a note can be assigned "function a AND THEN function b"?

3. Since I'm already going to have to program this Arduino powered pedal to send MIDI messages, could I wire a button on the pedal to connect both circuits? And if so, would there be a way to make sure one was executed firsts (so it hits "highlight next scene" BEFORE it hits "Launch scene")? Maybe put some sort of delay resistor is there? is there such thing as a delay resistor? Maybe a tiny elf can kink one of the wires like a hose momentarily to slow down the message? Do wires work like water hoses? Again, not a programmer.

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Re: mapping 1 button for multiple functions/multiple midi commands

Post by ZeyZan » Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:30 am

Hi, did you happen to solve this?

chapelier fou
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Re: mapping 1 button for multiple functions/multiple midi commands

Post by chapelier fou » Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:59 pm

I just don’t get why you don’t just delay the second command in your Arduino code.
You can also check my max for live device called “Grand Duc” or go with Clyphx.
MacBook Pro 13" Retina i7 2.8 GHz OS 10.13, L10.0.1, M4L.
MacStudio M1Max 32Go OS 12.3.1

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