Custom MIDI Mappings - Manually Edit MIDI Channel assignments

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Custom MIDI Mappings - Manually Edit MIDI Channel assignments

Post by withindustry » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:22 am

Hello all,

Looking for some help with a project specifically involving MIDI note and CC messages coming from Max/MSP (8.0.7) but more broadly looking for help on the issue of manually assigning MIDI channels without changing CC/note assignments.

My project involves sending MIDI notes and CCs to up to 24 different instances of Operator (I have my reasons). Each instrument receives one stream of Note messages and 3 CC streams. This sums to 4 mappings per instance and 96 assignments in total. Mapping these manually is extremely tedious and nearly impossible given that they are coming from a patch that constantly sends data, making touch-mapping in the native Ableton mode unfeasible.

However, some of this tedium could be avoided if I was simply able to first map the messages for one track/instance, then duplicate that instance the desired amount of times (duplicating the MIDI mappings) and simply change the MIDI channel of the assignments on each track. I could then further ensure that no messages would be sent to the wrong instance by only allowing each track to be affected by its assigned MIDI channel.

Is this possible? Is there a Max4Live device that can accomplish this? Most of the "MIDIMap" Max Devices don't include the ability to set channel, and I am in the process of writing my own but hoping there is a less headachey option. Seems strange to have a mapping browser with only 2 editable parameters - channel and CC editing has to be possible right?

Any help appreciated!

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