Audio out from Laptop in a live scenario - Questions

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Audio out from Laptop in a live scenario - Questions

Post by Andyroo66 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:44 am

I am a little confused about a good low hassle set up to take my rig out and play live and also do live streams from home:

Currently I have :
Laptop with Ableton Live 10 suite (Windows 10, 64 bit etc)
Audio Interface (MOTU Traveler firewire - yes I know it's outdated, I think it has died anyway)
I've been using the main out from the Traveler via an attenuator to my phone do live streams of Facebook and that's worked quite well until my MOTU just died
Audio - ASIO or MOTU

Say I'm in a live scenario (Maybe an open mic with a house PA system) - is it a good idea just to take a lead from the phones socket on the laptop direct to the PA? (Laptop running ASIO audio driver) Is it the right signal? And just use a separate mic that goes direct to the house PA for vocals
Or is it better to use an interface (looking at a Zoom U24 to replace the MOTU) as all I would need is a couple of inputs - one for an instrument mic and one for vocal mic
I guess ultimately I need some form of audio interface, but I need it to be simple lightweight and low hassle.
I have an Alesis IO2 interface but tried it in a live setting at an open mic and the signal from the main out was low and distorted so I abandoned my set

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Re: Audio out from Laptop in a live scenario - Questions

Post by S4racen » Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:52 pm

Yeah you'll need an audio interface, have a look at the low end of the Clarret range, I have one that acts as a Soundcard and allows me to add my mic to the output via their configuration software...


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Re: Audio out from Laptop in a live scenario - Questions

Post by Andyroo66 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:24 pm

thanks they look pricey! Dont have a big budget which is why the Zoom U24 looked kind of OK

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Re: Audio out from Laptop in a live scenario - Questions

Post by igneous » Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:29 pm

I have this same question! I am playing keyboards / synths for a band, and want to use a MIDI keyboard and have all the sound to come out of Ableton. I have some bigger audio interfaces at home, but I just needs something lightweight and small for gigging.

After many hours of research, it seems that the Focusrite Scarlett Solo is all I need. Stable, very low latency, and good quality sound.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, I am used to spending more money on my equipment and will be playing fairly big stages with this setup, but all the reviews of the Scarlett are very positive, and I don't need multiple inputs, or nice vocal preamps or anything like that.

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