Crash Log?

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Crash Log?

Post by wildcon » Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:47 am


I'm having real problems with Live 7 crashing consistantly.

Is there a crash log file or text file that's generated that I can send to Ableton.

MacBook Pro, Mojave, Live 10, Logic Pro X, UAD Apollo & Satellites, UAD, NI Komplete, Izotope, Korg, Audio Damage, Fabfilter, Waves plugs.

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Post by jok » Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:05 pm


if you´re on a Mac, there´s a crash-log/crash-reporter file in this directory:


The following information would as well be helpful when you contact

1. Your version of Live (if you don't know which version you use, see the Live "about" window)
2. Your computer configuration and operating system
3. Your audio hardware
4. A detailed description of the problem

If you are having technical problems with Live, it is helpful if you attach your Live "Log.txt" file to the e-mail. This file contains useful information for identifying problems. The Log.txt file can be found in following location:

* Windows (Live 4 and later versions): C:/Documents and Settings/your user name/Application Data/Ableton/Live/Preferences
* Mac OS X: /User/Library/Preferences/Ableton

Note that on some Windows systems the application data folder is hidden by default. Here is what you have to do to make it visible:

Windows XP/2000

1. Launch Explorer.
2. Select Tools/Folder Options/View.
3. Check "Show hidden files and folders."


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Post by wildcon » Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:08 pm


I'm on Windows not Mac.

Is there a crash log in Windows?

MacBook Pro, Mojave, Live 10, Logic Pro X, UAD Apollo & Satellites, UAD, NI Komplete, Izotope, Korg, Audio Damage, Fabfilter, Waves plugs.

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Post by kleine » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:30 pm

Hello wildcon,

No, it does not exist on windows.


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Post by Timur » Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:05 am

What about "C:/Documents and Settings/your user name/Application Data/Ableton/Live/Preferences/Crash"?

There can be found both .ALS and .CFG files in there. Are those only copies of the crashing set and preferences.cfg or is there any kind of log in there?

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Post by kleine » Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:45 am

Timur wrote:What about "C:/Documents and Settings/your user name/Application Data/Ableton/Live/Preferences/Crash"?

There can be found both .ALS and .CFG files in there. Are those only copies of the crashing set and preferences.cfg or is there any kind of log in there?
No, this aren´t any Log files, this are files needed to recover from a crashed set.


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im also experiencing crashes!!!

Post by seanio » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:28 pm

yes, i have recently dwnloaded 7.0.7 and am experincing crashes all over the show.

Live is crashing....

On start up.

When loading previous set from the file tab.

In the middle of rendering to disk - live renders the set to a wav file then crashes without making the accompanying .als file.

.... wot dya reckon guys, could this be a sudden problem with my machine or a problem with the update.
:lol: SeANi0@ReViBE Recordings
