A few additional MIDI Automation features

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A few additional MIDI Automation features

Post by auxilix » Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:02 am

I have been testing out things in the new Ableton 10 Beta and I think you guys have really made some great improvements on working with, even just the simple things like snapping to grid and double-clicking or having an "Automation Mode" to name a few.

My main features I'd love to see in a future update would be the following:
-Reverse MIDI automation (also MIDI clips? could be cool)
--Uses 'R', just like when reversing or un-reversing an audio clip in non-automation mode

-Flip Vertical MIDI automation
--Uses 'Shift+R', I personally think that the art of drawing in automation can become very interesting when you simply flip things upside-down

-Draw MIDI Automation Shapes
--Not sure entirely how you would implement this, but I think it'd be cool to have maybe a sawtooth, sine, triangle and possibly noise-generated automation shape i could draw out over my automation zone and tweak. This one seems a bit more in-depth, but could be nifty if pulled off in an elegant way like you guys always seem to.

Thanks again for checking this out and chime in if you guys have additional thoughts.

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