Operator Wishlist

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Operator Wishlist

Post by gaspode » Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:38 pm

Here are a few things that people may or may not agree with me on, but figure I'll post them anyways.

1) It seems that a 6 op synth would be really slick for FM, but I am personally going to suggest an 8 op synth if there is ever an upgrade...

2) With 8 Ops, we could also do some rudimentary additive synth work. Yeah yeah, 32 or 64 is the 'awesome' zone, but you could do some really convincing organ and beyond sounds with 8 ops. With the given oscilators you could produce a pretty varied range of additive sounds.

3) While I find the included osc waveforms pretty useful, it would be great if either we could provide our own waveforms in some manner, or provide a sample and have Operator peruse the sample's harmonic content for use as a new osc... the harmonic content way is most likely the 'simpler' way... but probably a pain to code...

4) Perhaps this just comes down to the way the interface was designed... why doesn't each osc have what it can be routed to instead of the 'route' menu we have now... how come I can't set Osc a to mod Osc b, Osc b to Osc c, and Osc c to Osc a? I know this can make a mess sonically and probably isn't useful for most circumstances... but it can be fun... I guess I am just used to the idea that you would pull up Osc a and tell it who it will modulate... or pull up Osc a and tell it who it is modulated by. I am assuming the routing was settled upon to simplify things and make it visually quick to understand...

5) Can the LFO be setup to route to the Filter as well? This seems like a rather bizarre omission and is something that can be very useful when trying to make a sound move and not just sit still...

6) The filter doesn't have any kind of slopes or anything... can we get 1db-4db filter slopes? The Notch/Bandpass filters need a Q control... or have the Q control the slope for High/Low Pass filters... and can we get a comb filter please... LFO Freq sweeps on a Comb filter are great...

7) At least one more LFO... or have the suggested previously 4 more Osc be able to be an Osc or LFO... I don't know...

8) Ringmod... this should be able to take the fully mixed Osc output and mix that with a sin/tri/saw wave, or if you have multiple Osc paths, like the square, ringmod path a with path b.

9) A random button... for those times that you need other wordly inspirations...

Anyway, if any of the devs are reading... I want you to know you have done a great job, I love the interface and I love the sound... this is definitely an easy to use synth with lots of potential. I just figured I'd post to give a few suggestions and possibly spark some ideas. Maybe when we see Operator 1.5 or 2.0 we'll have something really simple and really powerful.


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Post by estereofonico » Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:04 am

yeah assigning the lfo to the filter would be an obvious one i think...

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Post by subSonik » Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:25 am

lots of breakpoints in the enverlopes instead of the usual adsr


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