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Looper Automation Improvements

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:28 pm
by dlwhite
I use Max for Live to allow for easy automation of effects on duplicated channels - mostly based on looping of live recorded drums (acoustic channel, drum machine channel, percussion channel). The problem is that several critical controls on Looper are not accessible in the API: Clear, Undo, Drag/Drop to Audio Clip.

To get around this, I have to have a unique Looper device with unique midi-map for each Clear and Undo, that's 6 unique midi messages. In Max for Live, I could (if these two were accessible in the API) use just two messages and trigger the currently selected channel's Looper,then the number of channels or loopers wouldn't require any additional midi-maps. Please considering adding these two looper device controls to the API stack.

If there was also the ability to move a Loop to a clip via the API, so much goodness could be automated. Because the "undo" of Live gets "polluted" so easily with every manual move, the ability to create a loop in looper and quickly layer/undo/clear/redo, then move when it's done to a clip would make a fantastic workflow for creating real and near-real time loop-driven sessions. I've tried automating the routing to an audio track and the recording of a clip in that track, but the "bounce" never comes out exactly right - there's always a latency error that cuts off part of the loop.