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Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:47 pm
by conradkehn
I want my Push 2 to open up is Session mode with the mixer showing...or at least I'd like it to store a default open setting with each of my sets.


Re: Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:43 pm
by EnjoyRC

Re: Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:42 pm
by TheIncredibleEdibleJake

Re: Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:28 pm
by torbenscharling
Should be a no brainer. Wonder where the devs are hiding..

Re: Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:36 am
by dburton
+1 +1 +1

Re: Default start up settings for Push 2

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:35 pm
by bxn
Hi, had the same question and solved it by modifying the push2 remote script (seems to be the only solution to me) :
It's a simple matter of decompyling the right file in the remote scripts folder and editing a single word.

Here are the steps:
- Download and use uncompyle6 ( (you need python and pip installed, check on google if needed, this is standard)
- Access the remote scripts folder (on windows 10 for me C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 10 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts)
- Then go into the pushbase subfolder and back it up in case you break things (if so, just replace it as before)
- Open a terminal in this folder (cmd or powershell on windows)
- Run the following command : uncompyle6 -ro . .
(notice the 2 points they are needed). This is going to decompyle a part of the push2 remote script (I myself have also decompyled the push2 folder as well because I wanted to change other things like disable the yellow session ring). Decompyling only the push_base.pyc file should work as well.
- Now open the newly decompyled in an editor (I would advise notepad++, or pycharm if you want to do something else than editing a single line)
- Search for : self._matrix_modes.selected_mode = 'note' (line 348 for me) and change 'note' to : 'session'
- Reload Ableton

decompyled .pyc files are plain .py python files and are recompyled by ableton (replacing previous .pyc) on set reload (or full reboot).

For storing settings by set this can certainly be done but is harder. I would go with a strategy of renaming the title of the master track like "Master - session" or "Master - 1" and querying the title at push startup. I never tried to write in an als file, that could maybe work. Anyway this needs more code and push2 code is a few lines long ^^

Cheers :D