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Scripting to edit Analysis files / sample parameters

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:57 am
by Loopscious
I am prepping a DJ set in Ableton for the first time in years. It's a fresh reminder on how painfully laborious the process is.

I'm taking a full track and creating 2 copies in session view, renaming copy 1 "Intro" and copy 2 "Drop". Then I am going into each and setting Intro to typically end at bar 33 and do a 32 bar follow action into the Drop clip.

I get that warping will still need to be done in Ableton. But how cool would it be if we could actually edit parameters in .asd files (assuming this info is in there), things like tempo, start / end, loop start / end, follow actions, etc. If it were not encrypted or there was some means to decode the file and I write a quick script in python (for example) to do this en masse in seconds, that would be amazing. I'd need to QC stuff in Ableton itself sure but this would save a ton of time.

My questions are
1. do .asd files hold this type of info
2. is there any way to work with them / modify them purposefully?
