Non-Ancient Sumerian View Preference

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Non-Ancient Sumerian View Preference

Post by jasper » Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:11 am

I rotated my monitor 180* just to see what Live would look like.
And to see if it would make a project easier to approach and attack.
It very much does. It really causes a more relaxed mind.

So I made this image:


I could work like this without any complaints. ahhh, so good and natural on the eyes and brain.

There are so many things a person can say that supports the need for a preference like this.
Since music started being written, the instruments are on the left.

Right-to-left? > Your eyes are jolting back and forth a lot more, to see what instrument it is,
what it's playing, where I'm putting it, etc.

When I first tried Live, I thought the view was a gimmick to catch the attention of
new potential users?
But I've started and saved hundreds of projects in Live and use it for a living.
I don't want to feel "stuck with it", but I am, because these regions and Clips are .als and .alc,
they must be produced in this DAW.
I love everything about Live, and Live 10 is so amazing looking.
But the subconscious stress a project causes, simply because the GUI is
laid out right-to-left to (maybe to make Live more appealing to ancient Sumerians or something)

We read and write, and compose music, and read music and produce music
in a left-to-right manner...
Anyway, It would be great if there were a Preference to situate the instruments and tracks on the left.

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