Quick coloring

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J a c k i e
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:19 pm

Quick coloring

Post by J a c k i e » Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:28 pm


Thank you a lot for all you service, products, tutorials and program you pro ide.
I'm a very happy user.

Couldn't find this suggestion - hope its not already posted and I missed it.

When I color clips I love the feature you did that I can assign all the clips the same one, also that you can see what colors are used - so you easy can pick the same for everyone. What I do like to wish for is a feature that makes it easy for me to color different clips in different color scheme if that make sense.

Example; I make a clip, then I copy it and add things. Keep doing this til I have like 10 different.
And now when I want to arrange it all I want them in different colors to see the difference.
What If there would be a feature where you can select a bounce of clips and make them easy follow a color scheme - like from white -> gradients of red -> red. So I don't have to click every clip and color them different.

I might missed some similar feature that helps me in this and aids my work flow of quickly coloring things in different colors.
Hope it all made some kind of sense. Otherwise I'm happy to explain further!

Thank you!

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