"All Together.......Yes!---no"

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"All Together.......Yes!---no"

Post by NoSonic822 » Wed May 17, 2017 9:04 am

So here it is again, i get fed up with the limitations of the arp, i know that thing inside out, and it can do alot of good things, but it ends up being just a bit too limited. Then i pop in a "All Together" max step sequencer type device and its working, it is actually really good, then within about 5 minutes, live crashes. This the same behaviour for any device. Please can we have a stable "minimialistic" style step sequencer that does not crash.

I do not like to record mid into clips for live performance, it is not good strategy. So I turn to the arps, ok good, but still limited...so then what are we left with? Nothing, we only have max devices, which are all insta-crash. I like to keep all my midi flowing in real time, either playing it myself, or using arps, but arps are too limited......and the main problem with the arps is that they are always quantized to the downbeat.

If we could just change that---that would be even really useful----make the arps un-quantized...yes you can use "rate" but its limited to 1 second, yes you can insert a note length or 3 and use note off, to make the midi not be on downbeat, but it's still quantized

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