Node, Max, and Live APIs in JavaScript

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Node, Max, and Live APIs in JavaScript

Post by orin » Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:16 am

Hi! Is it possible to access the LiveAPI from a Max/node.script? It appears that Max/js object scripts can use `new LiveAPI()` and Max/node.script object scripts can use `require("max-api")` but it would be very useful to be able to do these two things together in a single JavaScript file.

If these really are separate entities as I suspect, can someone tell me the easiest way to glue them together? My goal is to exchange detailed track and clip information with a separate process over network. The node.script object makes networking possible. The js object lets me access LiveAPI. Now I just need to connect these... ideally in JavaScript, but maybe I'll have to learn Max patching?

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