FCB1010 expression pedal light...how turn it on?

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FCB1010 expression pedal light...how turn it on?

Post by tarshito » Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:57 am

Anyone out there know how to solve this
I programmed the fcb1010 a while back to work with ableton...
so now comming back to it i find that in some of the banks ...
for example bank 01 patch 1 or 9 the light on exp pedal 1 is alight...
so i have programmed this for my master volume in a song i created in ableton.... and it works!
however if i go to another patch 5,6,7, or 8 the light on exp pedal 1 is not alight and therefore does not operate the master volume...
how do i get the light to turn on in these patches so that i can use exp pedal 1 to alter the master volume?

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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:39 pm

Re: FCB1010 expression pedal light...how turn it on?

Post by aradder » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:25 am

The light is just an indicator that the expression pedal(s) is/are activated in that particular patch. I'm guessing somehow you didn't include the expression pedal(s) in those patches. Should be easy enough to edit the patches, re-activate and assign the pedals. In case you forgot how to program it, the instructions are on page 8 of this: http://host.mtnsys.com:81/faq-fcb/FCB1010_ENG_Rev_E.pdf

I'd try to explain it but the manual really does a better job.

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