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Automation for Group audio clip in session view

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:05 am
by The Carpet Cleaner

I want to make an automation on the auto filter, on a group of 3 audio clips in 3 audio tracks.
The clips are juste 1 bar. But I can't record any automation on the group itself.

This is really annoying, how can I create automation on groups in session view?

Re: Automation for Group audio clip in session view

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:11 am
by Stromkraft
The Carpet Cleaner wrote:Hello,

I want to make an automation on the auto filter, on a group of 3 audio clips in 3 audio tracks.
The clips are juste 1 bar. But I can't record any automation on the group itself.

This is really annoying, how can I create automation on groups in session view?
Don't run the audio trough group, instead run it trough an "Aux", contained in the group or not. Set the input to "None" and record a few silent bars. The output should be routed to where your group went.

Make a duplicate of the mint silent audio clip. Go to the Envelopes section in the duplicate and unlink envelopes you want to work on so you can have any length you want. Record away.

Re: Automation for Group audio clip in session view

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:55 am
by musiccomposersg
got this issue too

Re: Automation for Group audio clip in session view

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:00 am
by musiccomposersg
hi stromkraft, i tried following your steps and found it a bit tricky at first cos i couldn't understand the duplicating silent clip and unlink. Please let me know what is the rationale for that part.

I worked out my own method and am very grateful for your tip because it solved a huge headache. Thank you for your solution to this issue. Here is the method i started using based off of your initial suggestion

1. Create blank aux audio track
2. Set input on aux track to no input
3. Record a silent clip of very short length
4. Set all tracks to output to Aux and set aux to output to group
5. Go to recorded blank clip’s envelope and add / record automation
6. Set the monitor input to in to hear playback of tracks (auto also works)
7. Turn the record arm on

I noticed some lag issues with this process so not sure if its optimal to be honest

Can't add image here but if you want to see image of steps in ableton project check website here (need to sign up for a free account):