PUSH stuck in demo mode

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PUSH stuck in demo mode

Post by reflex58 » Wed May 07, 2014 8:23 pm

I have researched on this forum and gotten no answers that solve the problem.
I sent the following to Ableton tech support the describing the problem.

I own Push, which was working until yesterday. It appears to be stuck in demo mode
It is not recognized as a USB device on any of my computers (I have tried several different cables/USB ports including the factory supplied one with no success).
1. Push is receiving power via USB, I am able to go in firmware version and firmware update mode (v1.13).
I cannot update or reinstall firmware,because my computers will not recognize Push, there are no other displays available when powering this way (display is blank all other LED's are OFF.when shift button is released.
2.When powered by the external power supply, Push turns on but goes into demo mode, and is not recognized by my computers
It operates as above (1) when turning Push on holding the shift button but returns to demo when shift is released.
I am operating on a Mac OSX version 10.7.5, 16 gb, of ram the latest version of Live.
I hope there is a fix without sending it in for repair.
My own belief is that the USB port on PUSH is faulty, or the firmware is trashed,and needs to be reinstalled.
Pease let me know what you think

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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:51 pm

Re: PUSH stuck in demo mode

Post by TYLRbass » Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:20 am

Having the same problem. it will power into vegas mode with only the power supply plugged in, I can boot into demo mode with the power supply and FAILSAFE UPDATER mode with just the USB but I can't get any other communication over just USB.

I've tried other cables, other ports, other computers. Reinstalling Live, etc.. Support just told me to send in a status report and then wait for a shipping label? I would rather figure this out without sending it in if possible but they don't seem to be much help.

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