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Push 2: can I select&expand chain from group instr rack?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:20 pm
by stalker_on

One more question about Ableton Push 2,

let's say I have a grouped rack with several chains, each chain containing a certain device...

Can I select and change between any of those chains directly from the push browser/menu led screen, using the under the screen select buttons and/or the navigation arrow buttons?

Does Push 2 detect those grouped chains and let me do that, then when I select that chain expand the first device of that chain and automatically display its parameters?

Would appreciate an answer from someone who owns Push 2...


Re: Push 2: can I select&expand chain from group instr rack?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:26 pm
by markwphoto
I'm not in front of mine right now but select the device button on Push 2 and the first button under the 1 of 8 knobs should be the main group of your effects chain. As I recall if you press and hold this button and the other chains can be selected/changed with the bottom row of buttons.

Re: Push 2: can I select&expand chain from group instr rack?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 9:30 am
by irrelevance
Would like to know how to do this with drum rack chains. Ive done it once but cant remember how and so find myself mouse clicking to get to this area for push 2.

Re: Push 2: can I select&expand chain from group instr rack?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:46 pm
by irrelevance
Once again the forum comes to the aid of my ailing or maybe addled memory.
Hopefully this will help the OP if I understood the question correctly.
