Access Push2 button presses in m4l

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Access Push2 button presses in m4l

Post by simplemusic » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:54 am

I'm wanting to be able to register when the clip or device button is pressed on my push2. The intention is to have a Cntrl/Alt L key press sent every time that happens, to hide the detail view.

In the middle of my live set, if I happen to need to press clip or Device, the detail screen on the laptop pops open which eats up my clip real estate. Whilst I do have a button my Akai MPK249 to hide detail, it does throw a hiccup in the workflow...and when you pushing (sic) hard in a live set, any hiccups are bothersome.

I will be doing th3e key press using Bomes MT, so basically need some way to get a message sent to BOMES when the push Clip or Device buttons are pressed.

Anyone have any ideas?

I had a brief look at Jeff Kaiser's Push 2 abstractions, but this is a bit out of my league max-wise....but it looks like what I need, just not sure how to use it.

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