halfadder - starfall collection

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halfadder - starfall collection

Post by pskept » Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:12 pm

all of the halfadder tracks are ableton+m4l and sometimes eurorack. jbjh is all ableton+max and some bidule. the lord 3ONOE tracks are made with openmpt.

https://soundcloud.com/deprecate-us/hal ... arfall-mix

a mix of new music from halfadder (ha) and lord 3ONOE (l3) with a few jeremy bible and jason henry (jj) concoctions sprinkled in. i'll post a flac download soon.


ha - the ada1
l3 - dEsOlAtIOn flAts
l3 - RIvErlAnd RUn
ha - c78diffuse
l3 - A sEcrEt lIfE
ha - eyedunotolder
jj - crmin
ha - wzloops
l3 - HOUsE Of thE LOrd
l3 - OvEr hIlls
ha - gmh
ha - smr blu
ha - doorduno
l3 - rIdE thE nIght
l3 - FUll MOOn FIAscO
jj - arkus 3
ha - gm05
ha - dohnewunnago
ha - nttte
ha - fire
ha - sg1
ha - elzee03
ha - 521 cave d
l3 - EpOc EllIpsE
l3 - cEllEr dOOr
l3 - blAkEltOn flOp

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