faster and cleaner browser browsing

Share what you’d like to see added to Ableton Live.
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Post by Tarekith » Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:17 pm

I completely ignore Live's Library except for the presets it comes with. I don't like the way it's organized at all. I keep all my samples in my own samples folder, using this structure:


Much easier to back up too.

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Post by Lokio » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:04 am

Ableton need to deliver some browser features so I can spend less time on admin duties and more time making music. I’ve only been using Live since December and it’s already driving me crazy. Imagine how many files I’ll have in two years time.

I don't think using external software for the following is good enough.

1) Find-as-you-type like in Amarok is paramount IMHO. Amarok gives you a choice of external databases to use (such as sqlite & mysql). It's fast (i.e. instant) & uses insignificant cpu (well, on my system anyway) even though there are thousands of tracks. Perhaps Lives database could run as a separate process, & even have the option to turn the database (partly) off if you don't have multiple cores.
This is going to be especially important when we’re all using on-screen keyboards on our TOUCHSCREENS (hint hint) when performing.

2) Meta information. Why can't we run fine grained searches on meta information? Genre? Artist? bpm range? Compatible Key? User defined?

Encoding this into file names & searching those isn't good enough. There are too many hits and it takes too many searches for one task. Not to mention that I have to rename them all in the first place.

3) If we're going to search meta information then Abes may as well be putting it there. I want an 'import' function that gets the key & bpm, updates meta information, renames the files and moves them where I want them (i.e. I want rules), & adds all that to the database. I primarily use .wav by the way.

It’s obvious there is a problem with meta information standards. Wipe them, store it in the .asd, I don’t care. My current problem is much bigger. Even if I have to do some of it by hand, that will still be better than what I’m doing now. I don’t mind helping Abes beat match.

MixedInKey requires an internet connection. Planes & trains is precicely the time I want to do this kind of task. I have an ethical problem with the fact that they are storing information about my files on their servers and not giving me anything in return (they have admitted this, it's not speculation). That is totally unacceptable. I'd be content if we could opt-in to sharing our meta information. That would be an ideal way of identifying new tracks to buy.

MIK does a poor job of updating file names & meta information. Rapid Evolution was unstable and inconsistent when I last tried it. I'm not aware of any others. There is definitely room in this market.

Because different key analysis software comes up with different results, you have to pick one program and stick with it. That is perhaps the strongest reason to have Abes do this itself.

I don’t know how many people are primarily DJ’ing with tunes bought from Beatport etc, but the Ableton website says there are millions of users, and that means countless hours are being wasted. I’d rather spend that time learning to write music of my own. This presumably applies to third party sample libraries anyway.

4) These ideas are excellent:
a) More browsers. Live performance is like Formula 1. Three seconds can be a very long time.
b) Built in shortcuts in every browser (tunes, plugins, user defined), (at the very least a quick way to get to root, I've got RSI you know)
c) More automatic 'cleanup' behaviour (closing folders after a while etc) maybe with an aggressiveness setting.


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Post by Idonotlikebroccoli » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:16 pm

Soma wrote:One SMALL inprovement I want is, like the mac/windows convention, when the browser is active, I can start typing a device name to go to it.
Can't tell you howmany times I've tried to press "s" to go to simple delay.


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Post by siliconarc » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:10 pm


after seeing this, the current browser pisses me off

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Re: faster and cleaner browser browsing

Post by leinad » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:23 am

to the first message in this thread, that's a really good suggestion
8.1, Windows 7 (32 bit)

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