How is Touchosc on a iPod?

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How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by Jome7 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:25 am

Is it better, or worth getting one to use as a secondary midi controller? I've just been using the mouse to move the knobs and stuff, but have been thinking of getting an iPod to use with touchOSC for that, as well as listening to music, games, apps etc.

It is to use along with a Launchpad, and was thinking what would be the best thing to go along with it. Also, does anyone here use the touchosc with an Android tablet such as an Archos? I am considering one of those too even though the Touchosc version doesn't have all of the features of the Apple version yet, the larger screen must be good for using the app on it.
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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by LoopStationZebra » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:57 am

touchAble + iPad = unbeatable combination.

I came for the :lol:
But stayed for the :x

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by cacti » Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:00 am

its slightly buggy and kind of extraneous to create and setup custom layouts.

But the LiveControl is great. very east to seup and everything is auto mapped which is geeat. although it still has some bugs itself.

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by ollyb303 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:08 am

TouchOSC runs just fine on my iPhone. Only ever used the default template though.

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by stevedd » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:14 pm

I couldn't get TouchOsc to work with the TouchOsc editor on my iPod Touch (with OSX). I've tried writing to the developer but so far no one's got back to me. As it is, TouchOsc works fine with osculator, but I can't get it to load the livecontrol template. I should stress other people have had no problems.

In the meantime I downloaded Ac-7 Core Mini for Ipod touch. It's a Mackie emulator, which seems to work perfectly with Live. I strongly recommend taking a look at it.

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by Jome7 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:05 pm

Is touchable better than touchosc? I guess either one would do what I need it to, but have read that something with knobs and/or faders are better for some people. Right now I am deciding between a iPod touch or a Archos, the thing is I can only afford a used one right now.

If I don't get one of those, my other options are pretty much limited to something cheap like a nanocontrol, Akai LPD, or 25 key keyboard so I can use the pitch wheels. I was also thinking of the Vestax VCM-100 or a Stanton Dascratch if I could find them used for a good price etc. I think the Vestax would be good since it has the inputs and outputs to add on whatever I want to it later, but then I start thinking that if I start getting into messing around with the DJ stuff it will take away from time I could be spending making music.

It's also tough to buy something just for that when I can get along using just the mouse, but I could also use a 25-key to play chords since my launchpad is mapped to the different musical keys. I want to make sure that would work though, having them both play notes at the same time? I know the computer keyboard does but wouldn't want to run into a problem with that.

Why don't they just make something with just a couple of pitch wheels on it, or something like an extension to the launchpad that has a couple of knobs or wheels on it?
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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by MonsieurBon » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:58 pm

TouchOSC is awesome. I love it to death.

I started using it on the iPod Touch about a year or more ago. Then I spent the next year buying and trying almost every knobby/slidery MIDI device under the sun because I'm a contrarian and didn't want to get an iPad.

Well, I finally broke down and got an iPad and started working on some good TouchOSC templates for the music I work on. Being able to set things up just the way I want them is totally awesome. I feel like I can really play it like an instrument.

However, the editor interface is aaaaaaawful. I started just "Saving As" after every couple changes because frequently things would become corrupted, bizarrely named, or generally messed up. But if you can brave the editor interface, I say go for it.

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by sans soleil » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:16 pm

i really like it...haven't had any problems.

i usually use it via osculator (free) with plogue bidule, though...haven't used it with ableton that much.

definitely useful to have a small, versatile, easy-to-carry controller...i've even used it for gigs. my only gripe would be that it takes some getting used to the small size of some of the controllers - inevitable on an ipod touch, though i imagine it wouldn't be much of an issue on an ipad.

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by chasedestroy » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:12 pm

"all music is inherently psychedelic" g. p'orridge

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Re: How is Touchosc on a iPod?

Post by Akshara » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:34 am

Yes, it is small. I'm using TouchOSC on an iPod Touch mainly for an X/Y pad and as a wireless remote in the studio. It can be used as a complete Live controller with the LiveControl template; however the size will likely become a frustration at some point.

And then there is the iPad... once I had a taste of what could be done with the iPod Touch, investing in an iPad for the larger screen was inevitable. So unless you really want an iPad eventually, maybe go with one of the other options.

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