Live Clicking or popping when trying to record

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Mr. Anxiety
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:31 pm

Live Clicking or popping when trying to record

Post by Mr. Anxiety » Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:37 pm

:( When building a performance with 8 to 10 Live tracks, I undoubtedly
get some clip clicks or pops when I lock up thru rewire to record. I have to go in and click on most of the clips to get them to "play" right, then go back and try to record. Sometimes, though, I can never get all the clips to play "right", somebody clicks or pops. What do you think?

Mac OS 9.2.2 Live 2.0.1 G4 733mhz Cubase 5.1
2408 Mk II Audio card


Mr. Anxiety
