Sending vocals with the stereo outs when performing live

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Sending vocals with the stereo outs when performing live

Post by kanuck » Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:52 pm

From doing a lot of forum searching I found out that the best compromise when playing live is to send a single pair of stereo outs to the house mixer when performing live. Now this is all great but what do you guys think about the lead vocals? Would this sound ok or is it a terrible idea? At the moment it's mostly a solo thing but soon I'd like to throw in a live drummer, bassist, female singer, etc..


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Re: Sending vocals with the stereo outs when performing live

Post by MusicIsMath » Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:40 pm

What we are currently doing is sending 4 mono feeds to front of house, these are split before they get there so that we can have our own monitoring capabilities. We also have another track which is just a custom click for each song, this is not routed to front of house, only to in-ears. This allows me to use Live 8 and play about with effects in real time, it also means that due to routing the main vocal through Live 8 first for processing, we are able to keep tempo matched delays and I can even mess about with the live vocal effects. It's a lot of head-work and we still ain't 100% there, it's going to take some time as some with some songs we don't want a click other than for a count in or maybe for the guitarist or other keyboardist if starting the song. I can tap tempo from there to get things matching within reason at least.

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