Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by H20nly » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:15 pm


you think bitching on the forum and an "all the other DAWs have it" statement is going to wake team Ableton up from some slumber they've been in.

Abes: whoa guys! check out THIS post... it's time to get to work. :roll:

STFU and stop using Live - that's what you did right?? you issued your ultimatum:
Dankk wrote: Ableton WILL lose a major amount of customers if they dont step up soon. They lost me already.
buh bye!! :arrow:

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by H20nly » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:20 pm

oh and here's another one of these :roll: and two of these :lol: :lol: for your top secret reasons for needing 64 bit that are too intense to mention in your rant/thread.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by ollyb303 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:28 pm

Your question: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

My answer: Because there are minor improvements/bug fixes which are far more important to some users than 64bit compatibility. If there's a bug in the program, that affects every user, is generally much easier to implement and is more critical than an upgrade to 64bit.

I'm sorry that the addition of my personal opinion on the subject seems to have rattled your cage so badly, but I'm not sorry that that's my opinion.

Since you've jumped ship due to Ableton Live's inadequacy for your needs, why don't you quit trolling our forum and jog the fuck on?

Not many trolls actually manage to wind me up but you, sir, have done so - kudos for that, fucktard.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Dankk » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:31 pm

Definition of ULTIMATUM from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ultimatum

: a final proposition, condition, or demand; especially : one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action

I didnt give an ultimatum, I made a statement. I like ableton better than other DAW's most likely because I am used to it, and meanwhile in your rant on me that was completely inaccurate, you actually voiced your opinion that ableton is in a slumber, which is in agreement with me. Thanks :)

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Machinesworking » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:51 pm

Look, you lost your cool over a relatively minor argument against the 64 bit version by oly, you pretty much deserved the treatment you got.
You're passionate about this enough to drag me back here via PM, but I'm not sure you're going to like my detailed response any better?

You're missing major points when you knock or dog on a company that hasn't gone 64 bit yet. First off, as a person not doing DSP code for a living you really don't know if there isn't some sort of internal problem that means Ableton will have to do ten times the work to get Live to go 64 bit as it took the developers of Sonar, Logic and Cubase. And on that line of the relatively older DAWs Live isn't alone, Digital Performer and Pro Tools are also not 64 bit yet. DP being a big choice among classical composers, the users long ago bought solutions to that problem, PC's running VE Pro for instance, a network hosting solution that you can either run on the same or different computer. You can also run Kontakt in stand alone to get huge libraries going on a 64 bit machine. I don't know about PC solutions but on a Mac it's fully painless to set up AIC for MIDI and Soundflower to route audio from stand alone 64 bit Kontakt into Live. MOTU announce at NAMM last year that they were in beta for the 64 bit version, and that it was coming out some time in early 2011. I'm certain they're terribly embarrassed by that but it's obvious that they found some serious bug in the 64 bit version and very honorably decided to go back to the drawing board. Now if an end user wanted to raise a fuss, there's a DAW that was promised a free upgrade to 64 bit six months ago, and NONE of the classical and film score composers on the DP forums are raising a stink. They know MOTU want to release a 64 bit version and they know it won't happen until it's ready, so why get upset about it? Granted they tend to be an older crowd but still.

Also seriously, I love the hell out of Live, but it's only a mediocre choice for doing classical, Pro Tools is the only one of the DAWs I mentioned that's even less suited for it. I'm not knocking you for attempting to, or wanting to, just pointing out that you're in a minority and minorities are not paid much attention to by companies wishing to stay solvent. People I guess could have been more polite, but the intolerance you showed in your indignation at Ableton for not complying to your feature request is going to rile some. Like I said, Live is not alone, of the older DAWs it's only a little over half that have 64 bit. Also, and this is a big one, I am absolutely certain that Ableton are working on a 64 bit version. No DAW manufacturer is wanting to be last in line to 64 bit.

Read that last part in bold a couple times if it hasn't sunk in. Also, and this is also big, some of us don't have 64 bit OS compatible machines, we need Live 8 as stable as possible in 32 bit mode, that's what we paid for, and any decent company would bug fix and do their best to honor that. You haven't paid for a 64 bit Live, in fact Ablelton have never promised a 64 bit Live on any timeline, ever. The only thing Ableton have promised is that they're working on it.

Don't expect a free 64 bit version of Live 8 just because other companies gave the 64 bit version away, there's no indication I've seen that Ableton will. Expecting that a new .xx release of Live 8 will pop up as 64 bit is asking for something you were never promised. The basic gist is this, we all want 64 bit, but most of us know that it's better to have a stable 32 bit version and that Ableton are not lazy. They also want to be 64 bit, right now Sonar, Reaper, Cubase and Logic are kicking their butt in that department, and I'm sure it's important to them. Here's a wild speculation for you; maybe they want to use the extra RAM addressing to make it possible to load the entire Live Set into RAM, considering that Live is essentially not unlike a sample player this would make sense, and might create a huge rewrite to implement. So it could turn out that although they're taking longer, Live benefits even more than the other DAWs do from 64 bit. :)

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Dankk » Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:04 pm

Machinesworking, you say I am in the minority wanting 64bit implementation, then in the same post you say everyone wants 64bit. You say I overreacted when olly cursed in his post basically saying in that my opinion is absolutely worthless.. Who exactly are you trying to convince here? I have heard varying bits of news here and there stating that they cant go 64bit due to the fact that they simply dont hacve anyone with the know-how all the was to "I am positive they are working on 64bit now"

the only thing that is absolutely certain at this point is that NOONE here knows what the hell ableton is up to and it is all complete and total speculation. I paid for ableton too. And? did i say I was expecting a free upgrade, nope. Putting words in my mouth there, dont you think? Obviously this forum is not to reach the devs, but rather to have trolls lollygag in this forum.

lastly, "deserved what I got?" You act as if this is real. haha..

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by H20nly » Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:13 pm

:lol: so you're not really bitching about 64 bit. THAT'S GREAT NEWS! now you can enjoy the 32 bit license you paid for.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Angstrom » Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:56 pm

Dankk wrote: I have heard varying bits of news here and there stating that they cant go 64bit due to the fact that they simply dont hacve anyone with the know-how
I'd love a link to one of these "various bits of news". I'm a big fan of internet comedy.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Machinesworking » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:32 am

Dankk wrote:Machinesworking, you say I am in the minority wanting 64bit implementation, then in the same post you say everyone wants 64bit.

You're in the minority for wanting a 64 implementation over bug fixes. That, is clear as day. Why you think that means other people shouldn't be allowed to also be looking forward to 64 bit when it's good and ready is beyond me?
You say I overreacted when olly cursed in his post basically saying in that my opinion is absolutely worthless.. Who exactly are you trying to convince here?
I have heard varying bits of news here and there stating that they cant go 64bit due to the fact that they simply dont hacve anyone with the know-how all the was to "I am positive they are working on 64bit now"
If you believe that then you're a fool. Sorry, but I can't even begin to explain why random unsubstantiated rumors are worthless.
If you got caught believing that out of fear, let me reassure you that any coder good enough to make a program like Live would be good enough to turn it 64 bit.
the only thing that is absolutely certain at this point is that NOONE here knows what the hell ableton is up to and it is all complete and total speculation. I paid for ableton too. And? did i say I was expecting a free upgrade, nope. Putting words in my mouth there, dont you think? Obviously this forum is not to reach the devs, but rather to have trolls lollygag in this forum.

Great, as expected, you didn't pay a bit of attention to anything I wrote and aren't even keeping your story straight. If you don't expect a free upgrade why are you aghast at betas bugfixing the current version? Do you seriously want them to stop fixing bugs to work on 64 bit? Wow what selfishness? Hurry change the thread tittle quick! :lol:

lastly, "deserved what I got?" You act as if this is real. haha..
The logic of a troll. Think about that.

Again, they will release it when it's ready and relatively bug free. Until then I'm glad they're still fixing bugs in the version I paid for.
There have been plenty of threads about 64 bit, Ableton are well aware people want 64 bit and it will come. In the mean time if it really bothers you Reaper, Cubase, Sonar, Logic, and Studio One are 64 bit. None of them cost more than $500, Logic and Reaper are essentially under $200, and you will learn a new DAW. Knowledge is power. I own three DAWs: Logic, Live and DP, four if you count ReNoise. It's not the end of the world to use a tool that works the way you want it to, and if learning a new DAW is too much work you should reevaluate this whole music hobby. :)

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Machinesworking » Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:51 am

Just to add a useful solution to this issue for people who would like to run large libraries! :)

VE Pro allows you to network up to three computers via ethernet and use plug ins inside Live or any DAW in 64 bit mode. I also runs as a VST or AU in your DAW and can be on the same computer as your 32 bit DAW running stand alone in 64 bit mode again with a virtual network so Live reads it like an external instrument. It allows more MIDI channels than either AU or VST spec, and automation can be recorded in Live that affects VST and AUs running on the slave computers. You get three licenses per copy of VE Pro, though it requires a Synchrosoft key per computer which is a zero issue to me considering this is a fully studio oriented solution.

As soon as money rolls in for me this is a must have purchase. You can use any old laptop to run your DAW and a roll your own PC networked with this on it to give you all the power you need. Not enough? build another PC and buy a $25 key and away you go! Why this product doesn't get more attention is beyond me? besides the fact that Vienna Instruments have done a piss poor job of marketing it. Haven't heard a single solid complaint about it, people are all pretty happy with it.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by regretfullySaid » Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:56 pm

I'm pretty sure you can't sway the opinion of a dysfunctional name-calling 13 year-old.
Maybe he would act like it just to spite that statement.

Seriously, though, step outside your bubble. Do you honestly think Ableton is unaware or has no interest in a 64-bit platform? And what the hell makes you think you're so damn important compared to the hundreds of thousands of other Live users that your threatening them to use another host is going to make them panic?

If name calling is such a weapon for you, there's a name for people like you. It's called a SPOILED BRAT.
Your presumption that Ableton is going to step up their work to make you happy and purposefully trying to hurt people by name-calling proves it.

So go back to Cubase and make your masterpieces and let the grown ups continue to work on serving to make YOU happy. Someone will slip it under your door when it's finished, so try not to bite.

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by jestermgee » Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:02 am

Machinesworking wrote:Just to add a useful solution to this issue for people who would like to run large libraries! :)

VE Pro allows you to network up to three computers via ethernet and use plug ins inside Live or any DAW in 64 bit mode. I also runs as a VST or AU in your DAW and can be on the same computer as your 32 bit DAW running stand alone in 64 bit mode again with a virtual network so Live reads it like an external instrument. It allows more MIDI channels than either AU or VST spec, and automation can be recorded in Live that affects VST and AUs running on the slave computers. You get three licenses per copy of VE Pro, though it requires a Synchrosoft key per computer which is a zero issue to me considering this is a fully studio oriented solution.

As soon as money rolls in for me this is a must have purchase. You can use any old laptop to run your DAW and a roll your own PC networked with this on it to give you all the power you need. Not enough? build another PC and buy a $25 key and away you go! Why this product doesn't get more attention is beyond me? besides the fact that Vienna Instruments have done a piss poor job of marketing it. Haven't heard a single solid complaint about it, people are all pretty happy with it.
Sorry to upset this hilarious bandwagon, feel free to continue after I troll on out of here, but this suggestion sounds like a nice solution.

I have to admit, I have been wanting to expand projects with larger library's from my Kontact library and spectrasonics library's but suffer the same limits of 32bit... I am patiently waiting for change but get by for now because it's more constructive than complaining. Anyway, I have 3 machines in my studio that I use and my main studio PC has the option to run a 64bit system (though I currently run 32bit for my music OS). If I could basically harness larger amounts of RAM JUST to run bigger sample librarys without Ableton choking, I would happily pay for this.

Has anyone had experience with this solution? I am running all XP based machines on a gig network and would love to give this a go for my score compositions. I see they have a free trial so if there is no feedback I might give it a go and see how it all works.

Please, continue with this thread, I still have another eye ball to stab :wink:

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:52 am

jestermgee wrote: Sorry to upset this hilarious bandwagon, feel free to continue after I troll on out of here, but this suggestion sounds like a nice solution.

I have to admit, I have been wanting to expand projects with larger library's from my Kontact library and spectrasonics library's but suffer the same limits of 32bit... I am patiently waiting for change but get by for now because it's more constructive than complaining. Anyway, I have 3 machines in my studio that I use and my main studio PC has the option to run a 64bit system (though I currently run 32bit for my music OS). If I could basically harness larger amounts of RAM JUST to run bigger sample librarys without Ableton choking, I would happily pay for this.

Has anyone had experience with this solution? I am running all XP based machines on a gig network and would love to give this a go for my score compositions. I see they have a free trial so if there is no feedback I might give it a go and see how it all works.

Please, continue with this thread, I still have another eye ball to stab :wink:
From all accounts it works flawlessly, the only caveat is that mostly where I've heard glowing reports is a Digital Performer board and DP is Mac only, and most of them are running a PC as a VE Pro host and always a Mac as the DAW master etc.

Try running a search on the Gearslut and KVR forums, but if you have two Synchrosoft keys lying around then the demo will be your best bet! :)

What this will do for me is get me away from buying the most expensive macbook pro I can afford every couple years. The best ratio cpu and cooling wise and therefore long term reliability wise are the lower cpu models. Any laptop with a solid ethernet set up will do. 8)

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Dankk » Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:28 am

lol.. ppl STILL wanting 64bit in ableton while I am sitting happily in my 64bit Cubase DAW.. Fuck off ableton. :) lol idiots.... Oh yea.. "give us our 32bit fixes.. let us 32bit trolls have our way.... whine whine whine.. waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. lmmfao..... Yay! another update to a dead DAW! hahahahahaha When they FINALLY get with the program (64bit).. then we will see about going back... (will definitely pirate by this point) until then,... you are ALL trolls clinging to your coconuts on an island... Reply all you want.. I have no need to be here.. Jes wanted to troll something that was super easy.... hahaha idiots....

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Re: Why is ableton working on yet another beta that is 32bit?

Post by Nortniluhreg » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:16 am

Simply releasing Live as 64 bit as the main performance upgrade for the next version is laughable. Why fuss so much about 64bit when Windows 8 is going to come out and Live could actually be used on a tablet that has a real operating system on it. I'm sure the programmers are quite capable of producing 64bit software with their eyes closed and that 64bit is pretty much guaranteed in the next version. That being said why waste an entire version upgrade just for a few bells and whistles when it will shortly have to be upgraded again for the touch screen computers.

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