moving kickdrums to match beat counter

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moving kickdrums to match beat counter

Post by SmoothSubliminal » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:26 am

Before I assume that the topic sentence is the answer to my problem I guess I should state the root problem first.

One of the songs that I have warped is not properly beatmatching with other songs. Upon closer inspection I noticed that a bit of the way through the song the kicks are not hitting the exact point (i.e. 21, 25, 29, etc) and continually shift off from that point. I guess what I need to do is something like quantize the kicks to hit at the correct points, but I cannot figure out how to do this, so a couple of questions.

1) Is my proposed fix above going to solve my problem?
2) How do I go about doing that if it is the correct solution?

Please note I would appreciate if you could be as elaborate as possible, and also if you are going to mention double clicking on the beatmarker to highlight and shift it, I STILL cannot figure out how to do this on a Mac as all I can do is drop a yellow marker point when I do that.

Thanks a bunch :)

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Re: moving kickdrums to match beat counter

Post by yur2die4 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:58 am

Create a marker for a downbeat bass drum where it is on beat still.

Delete everything after and warp over again from that point on.

If you still have the problem, keep an eye on potential tempo fluctuations or the producer having dropped in a beat that might be off by an eigth or sixteenth note. Then evaluate how you'll approach that spot. (probably finding a way to make sure the downbeat hits on the .0 again).

Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:00 pm

Re: moving kickdrums to match beat counter

Post by SmoothSubliminal » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:26 pm

i appreciate the help, but unfortunately the timing is still off. when i look at the beat pattern i can see that the first beat of the bar slowly shifts off around halfway in the song and it continues to stay that way. i tried anchoring beats but its too many to manually do and when i anchor its just overlapping and cutting over the previous point which i anchor to so its just cutting to that point and sounds weird.

maybe i will just mix this song in with serato.

thanks still
