PROBLEM - audio auto switches to Channel input 1 and to 2

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PROBLEM - audio auto switches to Channel input 1 and to 2

Post by paulnaegle » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:19 am

In any song saved I have I tried to record an audio guitar track through my fast track pro usb interface and my guitar shows signal received in my fast track pro then goes into Ableton mono channel input 1 and levels are read fine with green up and down BUT
it keeps automatically switching and chhanging the source over to Channel 2 mono and back to 1 again causing a signal cut out and in and the levels still read up and down nicely but what the heck is happening? This auto switching is some sort of bug or something... what is the fix for this ? I've tried saving AS for anew name and restarting software and my PC Windows 7. I have license version of 8.28 and It also did this in 8.27 an I have licensed Windows 7.

