pendulum/knife party

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pendulum/knife party

Post by volx757 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:59 am

This is a question I see all over the internets with really no proper answers. Does anybody know how exactly to phatten and excite synths in a way similar to rob swire's? I can pretty easily create a similar sound, just layering saws and sines with tube/saturator/camel phat/sausage fattener/trash/overdrive or whatever, but I'm asking about the sound in relation to the rest of the mix.

Are they just bringing the synths up and the beats down with heavy compression on everything? Or is it fine tuning of certain parameters for a really tight sound?

I know this is a topic that can get some ppl hyped into flame mode really easily so please don't respond if all you're gonna say is 'why do you want to sound like them' or 'thats so generic' or whatever else related.


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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by ott_face » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:32 am

My direct answer to your question is "I don't know", but I would like to point out that in general commercial music benefits from extreme attention to detail by experienced professionals using high quality tools in carefully designed listening environments at every step of the production process. I admire your desire to achieve the best sounding music that you can, but I wonder if you're shooting for an unreasonably high standard?
volx757 wrote: Are they just bringing the synths up and the beats down with heavy compression on everything? Or is it fine tuning of certain parameters for a really tight sound?
These methods (and many others) certainly form part of a mix engineer's arsenal of tools.

If you have good compositions and arrangements and you're happy with your sound design but having trouble getting everything to gel well, perhaps you're at the stage where you could use some input from an experienced mixing engineer?

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by volx757 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:17 pm

Yeah I suppose I should talk to a mixing engineer about this kind of thing. I find it hard to believe that the difference between an amateur and a professional mix is in small changes to the release of a compressor or to a stereo widening effect or whatever. but maybe that's the way it is.

Also, I feel like unless I compare my music to the music I like and listen too I'll never achieve the quality of sound I want. Gotta set the bar high. thanks for your response.

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by stonee » Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:50 pm

volx757 wrote:Yeah I suppose I should talk to a mixing engineer about this kind of thing. I find it hard to believe that the difference between an amateur and a professional mix is in small changes to the release of a compressor or to a stereo widening effect or whatever. but maybe that's the way it is.

Also, I feel like unless I compare my music to the music I like and listen too I'll never achieve the quality of sound I want. Gotta set the bar high. thanks for your response.
its a looooooong way to the top, and there isn't any shortcuts, that for sure.

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by The Carpet Cleaner » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:15 pm

I've listend to one of your track.
Problem is sound design. You sounds are not aggressive/punchy enough. Good melody tho. You'll get there.
You have to choose better presets and samples :mrgreen:

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by ott_face » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:40 am

Did you want to direct us to a particular sound in one of your compositions?

I just listened to "Nikola Tesla" and felt the trance chords in that sounded fairly weak, especially when it's soloed (1:15ish). Maybe you should experiment with dropping the chords an octave or so (I felt they were too high in register) or maybe using more notes in your chords across several octaves. I'm inclined to agree with Carpet Cleaner - I don't think at this point that fine-tuning a compressor will fix anything for you, you still need to do some work in the sound design. Your lead sound is good but at points feels a bit harsh. And I personally would probably experiment with maybe adding another pad sound in the background - the mix feels a bit thin. But, of course, these things are all subjective, and I personally am not an experienced mix engineer.

The other thing I'd point out in that song is that I can't hear any bass at all! I'm currently listening on Laptop speakers, so I don't know what you've got going on below 200Hz, but you've definitely got a problem if your bass has no harmonic content in the low-mid range.

But I do like the song.

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by volx757 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:03 pm

ha sorry my soundcloud isn't really indicative of what I'm making now. That song is one I made in a few hours when I was *pretty high* with a friend.

The sound I'm going for now is entirely different than what I've been making before, but the style of sound design I'm after is specifically the one in this song
and many other pendulum songs. It's not the sounds I'm after, but the full frequency coverage and phatness, sounding loud and exciting even at low volumes.

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Re: pendulum/knife party

Post by Observer-A » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:15 pm

Swire and company have definitely set the bar very high for production quality.

As much as I love the "Rage Valley" EP, I almost hate having it in rotation because it leaves almost everything else sounding a little flat in comparison.

BUT... I do agree that it can't hurt to use someone that talented as your inspiration. I have been A/B'ing my new tracks with theirs and while it is disheartening at times, I do feel like I am upping my knowledge and sound design skills.
Ableton Crackhead and Habitual Drum Hitter

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