Mapping midi notes to other midi notes (using racks or M4L)

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Mapping midi notes to other midi notes (using racks or M4L)

Post by 8bit » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:55 am


What I want to achieve:
Make C1 (or any other note) in a midi clip trigger any note I want in a drum rack e.g. C1 triggers C3 on the drum rack. I need to create 16 different mappings for different notes.

Why I want to achieve this:
I have a some drum racks that I'm happy with. I have a bunch of midi drum loops with different mappings - some have BD assigned to C1 others to C3 etc.

To save me editing all my midi clips I'd like to create a mapping whereby a C1 in a clip triggers C3 on the drum rack for example.

This may be a Racks question rather than a Max one but any thoughts would be appreciated!


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