Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:07 am

DJYoshaBYD wrote:Mac OSX, if that is what you are referring to, is actually unix (which linux is based off of), and on top of that, the MAC version of Ableton Live is JUST the windows version, that is running wine as a translation layer.
I'm not a coder, but I know enough about what's going on to know you're dead wrong there.
Live is coded in C++ and it's the GUI code on top that makes the difference between the OSX and Windows. At least that's what I was told by a developer from Ableton years ago. Another reason to believe this is the truth over your assertion is pretty simple to look up around the internet, Apple are very rigid and demanding when it comes to GUI guidelines code wise, they will not allow much "foreign" code into Cocoa, which can frustrate people trying to port Windows Apps. It's also probably another reason why Wine is developed exclusively for Windows versions of cross platform software, there has been a more stable and easily reverse engineered GUI on the Windows side as OSX has jumped from PPC to Intel and Carbon to Cocoa.

..and that is all I know about it, but yeah, you ain't talking facts there buddy! :D

Also good luck, screenshots would be cool! :)

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:08 pm

Machinesworking wrote:
DJYoshaBYD wrote:Mac OSX, if that is what you are referring to, is actually unix (which linux is based off of), and on top of that, the MAC version of Ableton Live is JUST the windows version, that is running wine as a translation layer.
I'm not a coder, but I know enough about what's going on to know you're dead wrong there.
Live is coded in C++ and it's the GUI code on top that makes the difference between the OSX and Windows. At least that's what I was told by a developer from Ableton years ago. Another reason to believe this is the truth over your assertion is pretty simple to look up around the internet, Apple are very rigid and demanding when it comes to GUI guidelines code wise, they will not allow much "foreign" code into Cocoa, which can frustrate people trying to port Windows Apps. It's also probably another reason why Wine is developed exclusively for Windows versions of cross platform software, there has been a more stable and easily reverse engineered GUI on the Windows side as OSX has jumped from PPC to Intel and Carbon to Cocoa.

..and that is all I know about it, but yeah, you ain't talking facts there buddy! :D

Also good luck, screenshots would be cool! :)
First off, I understand that its coded in C++, hence the C++ runtime dependency that is provided in the script.

As for you wanting to shit in the cereal bowl, per se, You are only partially right. I wasnt trying to get too technical, since it can get a bit hairy, but yeah:

I wasnt talking about the gui differences between OS. Simply stating that YES: ITS A FACT THAT THE DARWIN KERNEL THAT OSX USES IS A BSD (UNIX) BASED OS. That is why I can "port" software from linux to mac and the other way around, especially if it doesnt require a gui. The commands are mostly the same, as well. This is well documented, so you are incorrect in your assumptions that it is not.

Now, as for Ableton running on Mac, again, YES it IS a "Windows" version of ableton, that is installed on to mac via WINE. It creates a WINEPREFIX, installs a custom patched version of wine, and lets you run this WIN32 software on a *NIX based system.

The difference between Mac and Linux, yes, does lie in its gui. Linux uses X (or FreeX86), Mac does not. Other than that, the underlying kernel is not too far difference.

Now, instead of re-writing the WHOLE PROGRAM for another operating system, ALL NEW SOFTWARE WRITTEN usually uses a runtime environment, so that as long as the system in question has the required runtime environment, the program will run. Like how JAVA apps can be written for so many different systems and architecture: because of the runtime. .NET, C++, Mono, etc etc etc..

So, since the windows version already worked so well, and C++ mostly runs fine through WINE on ANY *NIX system, it stands to reason that the best way, instead of "porting" (which is the wrong term, and WAY off what is actually happening), we are using a compatibility layer to make the RUNTIME work, so that the program itself has everything that it needs to run.

"Live is coded in C++ and it's the GUI code on top that makes the difference between the OSX and Windows."

Shttooopppps.. Of course its coded in C++, which is what we have covered, but with OSX vs Windows..... I mean, when were we talking about the GUI of Mac vs Windows. You need to ask your developer friend to clear some of this up. The gui issues, along with quite a few others, are handled quite elegantly through WINE on MAC and LINUX. Your simplistic explanation leaves much to be desired.

"Apple are very rigid and demanding when it comes to GUI guidelines code wise, they will not allow much "foreign" code into Cocoa, which can frustrate people trying to port Windows Apps.

Which is the reason we use WINE, instead of PORTING THEM, we give them a COMPATIBILITY LAYER. Period. Its not a port. A port would be taking the source code, and modifying it to run on another OS. WINE takes care of this the same way that directX, .NET, VCRUN, or any other runtime does. THE RUNTIME needs to first be compatible, THEN the software can be run in its native development environment, instead of porting stuff from say, Windows to OSX by changing all of the code, we introduce 3rd party code and native DLLs, which take care of the dependencies. As far as that program knows, its on Windows. MUCH easier in the long run to port a whole development environment, instead of rewriting every single bit of code for different OS's and architectures.

"It's also probably another reason why Wine is developed exclusively for Windows versions of cross platform software, there has been a more stable and easily reverse engineered GUI on the Windows side as OSX has jumped from PPC to Intel and Carbon to Cocoa. "

Wow. SMH.

Dude, do you even know what WINE stands for? It has Windows right in the name. The whole goal of the project was to get win32 applications to run on *nix systems, and whatever else they port wine to. Wine can run GDI (the module that draws 2d graphics on a windows system), so that is covered.

Mac has very little software that ISNT available on windows, so yes, it stands to reason, that when the project was started 20 years ago, it was for mac and linux systems (specifically linux, because mac was not using Darwin/*nix/BSD at that time. Not until OSX) to be able to run windows software, for cross compatibility, ONLY FOR THE FACT that no one wrote the good stuff for mac. Period. Stating "its probably another reason why wine is developed exlusively for windows versions of cross platform software" is retarded, because if it was ALREADY CROSS-PLATFORM, THEN WHY USE WINE OR WHY PORT IT?? Wine is to create and INCREASE cross-compatibility.

Please read more before you step in a try to clown. I did this because I believe in this project, and know MANY people who have wanted to run their music software on linux. I dont give a shi+ what the reason is. Its there, it runs, and this is how it works. If you dont like it, fine, but stop being a damn troll and mosey along back to your nerdery and read more. Im no expert, but I know enough to get this project done, and also custom compile WINE for Reason 5, which I just did, and am writing a script for. Im trying to help the community, not prove anyone wrong.

Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:34 pm

Lol, not a single dammed thing you posted backed up your claim, period.
and on top of that, the MAC version of Ableton Live is JUST the windows version, that is running wine as a translation layer.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but there's something pretty funny about spending pages of paragraphs nitpicking and generally avoiding addressing the point. :wink:

of course good luck with your project though.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:09 pm

Machinesworking wrote:Lol, not a single dammed thing you pasted backed up your claim, period.
and on top of that, the MAC version of Ableton Live is JUST the windows version, that is running wine as a translation layer.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but there's something pretty funny about spending pages of paragraphs nitpicking and generally avoiding addressing the point. :wink:

of course good luck with your project though.

DUDE. hahahah. What the hell are you talking about at all?? Im not nitpicking. Im simply being verbose.

I did address the point, joik:

The point of this post was Ableton on Linux

Via WINE, a script, and PlayOnLinux, its now possible to do so.

End of story. Do you have anything technical to add? Maybe even look at the script? Maybe try to install it for yourself?

Addressing what point? If all you are is a troll, then I hope a mod catches youse being one. Your two posts have nothing to do with ableton on linux, you have backed up NOTHING with any technical data, which you admitted was hearsay.

So, what are you hoping to accomplish, dude? This wasnt a pissing contest.

Ive addressed MANY POINTS.

So, Ill get a VM installed and post screen shots. This was how it was explained to me in a forum by cats who actually work with wine, and so far, Im getting the same experience with linux/ableton as I have with mac/ableton. brb.

You troll often? :D

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:48 pm

Well, dammit, I cannot get the dmg to mount. Although, on my linux machine, the files in the DMG are listed as java, no C++, so now it looks like we both may be wrong to some degree. hahaha.

If anyone with a mac could clear this up in a technical aspect, that would be loverly.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by Machinesworking » Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:00 pm

OK so now I'm a troll? You have not offered a single bit of proof that Live is using wine as a translation layer for the OSX "port", and haven't backed it up with anything but anger and arguments about every other point I made except the actual reason I posted... yet I'm the troll? You're the one posting something as fact that's incredibly suspect to put it even mildly. You obviously have no real evidence for your claim, which isn't surprising because it's a ridiculous claim. You're offended because you're wrong, end of story.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:50 am

Im not angry. haha. I just type 100+ wpm, and tend to get stuff down quick and in great numbers. So, until someone else steps in that actually is a programmer to clear it up, quit your belly achin.

BTW. Here are the screen shots you asked for.







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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by ian_halsall » Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:56 am

Nice screenshots - how long can you keep it up for?

Fnarr fnarr.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:49 pm

ian_halsall wrote:Nice screenshots - how long can you keep it up for?

Fnarr fnarr.
as long as she needs me too. hahaha. Is that another request for more screen shots? lol. I thought these would sparkle and please.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by ian_halsall » Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:42 pm

I guess you must have got it working by using the back door.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by DJYoshaBYD » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:16 am

ian_halsall wrote:I guess you must have got it working by using the back door.
mmm. I dont get it.

I didnt get anything working. All I did was simplify the process using a script.

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by Jamiao » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:25 pm

i have a legitimate Live 9 Intro installed on my Win XP PC, and i'm starting work at a day centre that has a modest music set up (with a laptop running Linux) that we're looking to expand...

You KNOW what's coming - Has anyone attempted this process with Live 9 yet?!

It would make my week if i could get it working, and as a bonus, the people of the day centre would think i'm great...

i'm a total Linux virgin i'm afraid, any help would be greatly appreciated, and infinite good vibes will come your way for life.



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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by ian_halsall » Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:26 pm

Did you manage to get it mounted or did you have to use the backdoor?

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by OJ KARDASHIAN » Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:21 pm

video on live 8 install and using winetricks for libraries... ... nL2U#at=82
F$&@ You KATO....OJ's favorite Mac shortcut is COMMAND-X (hahaha)

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Re: Run Ableton Live 8 on LINUX!

Post by hit_by_heat » Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:09 am

I was really glad to see this option, since I was going to run dual boot just for Ableton on Windows and Linux for everything else, but I'm hitting a wall with the installation process.

I am using Linux Mint 15, with PlayOnLinux 4.2.1. I am attempting to install Ableton 8.2.1 from a cd from Ableton.

I have followed the process and tried the default directory and then some others to test some things, and I can get through to the end of the installation, but I keep seeing the error:

"Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Live 8.2.2exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?"

I did note that the POL software (at beginning of process said software would install to .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/ableton8 but it creates the location (by default) of .../.playonlinux//wineprefix/AbletonLive

Seems like this could be an issue, but I'm not certain how to address this with POL or linux (new to both).

Also - I get way further just running the exe in Mint. Software is loaded and I will be registering it shortly. Will this work without POL?

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