Got a LaunchPad for Christmas and I really need some help

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Got a LaunchPad for Christmas and I really need some help

Post by GhostKing » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:29 am

What made me want a LaunchPad so much was the awesome youtube videos that demonstrated just how awesome a song you can make. I really want to learn this thing and I have scavenged the internet looking at so many guides on how to use it. These tutorials I have found are mostly advanced. I can't find one video that really breaks it down and explains the LauchPad step by step from a COMPLETE beginner's view.

I'm very interested in the User 1 Mode and I'm having problems moving the drum rack to the midi column. I can't add the whole folder of sounds there, only 1 sound at a time. For instance I drag 1 sound over and it works when I press that square on my launchpad just fine but when I drag another sound over it completely replaces the sound I already have. Basically I can only have 1 sound in User 1 Mode at a time.

I watched videos on this and they easily drag the whole sound folder over and their launchpad then becomes fully stocked with sounds whereas I get a negative symbol when I try to drag more than 1 sound. It just won't let me.

I have recently discovered that it may have to do with me using the Lite version of Ableton Live. It's what came with the LaunchPad. If this is the case then I'm shocked here. Why won't this work? What am I doing wrong? Do I truly need the full version of this program to do the simplest of things? I had no idea about that coming into this.

Am I doing anything wrong here? Please help me out and I apoligize if I have posted on the wrong board. Obviously I'm new here :D
But again, I'm VERY VERY VERY new to this. I can barely figure out how to do basic things. Tutorials online are so fast, they don't explain it well to beginners and they skip steps.

Please help me out here. I am very eager to learn this and I want to start making cool music!

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Re: Got a LaunchPad for Christmas and I really need some help

Post by tigali » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:40 am

Try dragging a whole kit over rather than one sound at a time. Kits should be listed there along with individual drum hits. I don't know why it wouldn't let you add more than one sound to your drum racks. Have you tried dragging an empty drum rack into your project and then filling it with samples from your own library rather than just using Lives drum sounds? Just throw anything in there, not just drum sounds.
There is limitations with Intro or Lite or whatever you're using so look them up to see where you might be hitting the limitations of the version your using.

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