ME_BCR2000 - a simple easy way to set up a BCR2000 with Live

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ME_BCR2000 - a simple easy way to set up a BCR2000 with Live

Post by Fat_Stanley » Tue May 14, 2013 9:22 am

Last night, after having a pig of a time setting up a BCR2000 for use with Live last week (I'm pretty novice when it comes to setting up anything other than a MIDI keyboard), I discovered nativeKONTROL's ME_BCR2000. It makes it SO easy and intuitive to customise the BCR2000 in exactly the way I want to use it in Live. It's not free but it's only $28.50 which, when considered in terms of how much time it will save me and the end results, is probably better than free (if you know what I mean). If you've got a BCR2000 I'd highly recommend it. :)

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