These Crazy Conspiracy theorists...Rave to this

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Post by Angstrom » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:59 am

last time fags ruled the world was the roman empire and child molestation was approved and practice by the government. that is a fact. if u want the real history on civilization and who enslaved who first, its all documented in books that we will never c because they r probably buried under the vatican somewhere. i could go on and share more info with u.

I just love this kind of craziness.

" If you want the truth you should read some books that might exist, or something. everybody is gay! you homos with your provocative buttocks can get the hell out of my dreams with your big black penises in a sordid roman orgy ... etc."

excellently argued sir!

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Post by Emissary » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:27 pm

The Offender wrote:is there anyone i havent offended yet?
You have'nt offended me yet? me names.....say my music is shit or something....ANYTHING , i feel left out...... :cry:

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Post by MrYellow » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:28 pm

Yeah liked that too :-)

Romans were all gay?

Crazy! This guy is just pure nutz.

My take on this tho..... Sure ppl were taking drugs or whatever..... laws....
blah blah..... but how anyone can say this kind of thing is 100% ok is
beyond me.... Tho.... I guess just about everyone in Germany was a
member of the Nazi party yet it was impossible to find anyone that would
admit it after the war. Shit even most ppl around the world thought the
Nazi's were doing a good job at some stage. The way I see it.....
anytime "police" are carrying machine guns something is getting pushed
out of perspective.


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Post by computo » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:45 pm

please disregard foreigners opinions on this subject. If certain people want to alienate themselves from our community, by downplaying the significance of benchmark events, then so it will be.

But WE still have the Rave Act to fight, and this event is going to be the rally cry to do away with it.

BTW, the US tried for at least 4 years to pass the Rave act, before sneaking it under our noses in the Amber Alert Bill (which itself was promoted as a child-abduction prevention act, however, formed a FEMA control grid, more than anything)

PLease research the Rave Act, and what it means to ALL of us, not just the musicians.

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Post by dizzyj » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:58 pm

fyi, the rave act was drafted and pushed by Sen Joe Biden(D)

notice the (D)?

easy way not to get any where with a cause is to assume that is all the "other peoples fault"

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Post by Agent47 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:03 pm

Thank you for pointing that out dizzyj ;)
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Post by ishimaru » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:24 pm

In the U.S. its all leftist bullshit that's causing all of our problems. The only thing conversatives ask is that you have permits and proper docs and keep anyone under 18 off the X. Seriously its all about scared parents. You rarely see clubs getting busted. The smaller the crowd the better the vibe and the more you can control things. This is just my 2 cents :)
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Post by computo » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:25 pm

Joe Biden is "Good cop" scum.

Fuck him, and the dems. I reckon myself as more liberatarian than Dem, thats for sure.

And the rave act never got passed when he was pushing it.

In fact, if you read it, the terminology is laughable. Anything from a house party to the SuperBowl could be shut down if the promoter should have reasonable knowledge that illegal activity might occur. Its simply hilarious.

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Post by Agent47 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:07 pm

ishimaru is dead right! Cheers! ;)

Liberalism is rotting this country to the core. However, on the other hand, we have retarded laws like the RAVE act and that big op to go after bong manufacturers. Yeah that will really clean up the streets, get rid of the bongs! What nonesense.

Computo, you are right about how absurd the terminology is. The "possibility" of illegal activity?!! What kinda crap is that? What's next, the "possibility" that I may think about commiting a crime will get me arrested?! Thought Police!!

I don't blame parents for their concern, all they hear about is how evil and bad "rave's" are and frankly would you want your daughter at a rave?! Ha.

The government(BOTH sides) has clearly proved itself to have nary a care about what the citizens want. As long as the sheeple continue to spend spend spend all is well in their world.

Keep the parties in the clubs and we shouldn't have any problems.
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Post by mosca » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:10 pm

best thread ever!

where was computo and the rest of you 'outraged' people when the criminal justice bill was kicking into effect in the UK and we were getting hassled by the man?

not caring because it was in another country i should imagine.

hence why a toy town rave in the US getting busted by the man doesn't register on my 'give a fuck' meter.

instead of whining about it on a forum, get out and do something about it. burn a flag or write a letter, organise a rave and send the proceeds to the kids who were probably scarred for life by this event.

the nazi guy is quite funny tho, he obviously knows what buttons to push with you guys


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Post by Agent47 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:17 pm

yeah just don't burn a flag around'll get your arse kicked. ;)

I would expect my UK brethren to do the same.
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Post by computo » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:26 pm

I wouldnt burn a flag, although I will defend to my death the right to do it...

But thats another topic completely.

To answer your question, mosca, I was here in the US, trying to fight our own unjust laws.

Sorry I dont have time to come over, and put on YOUR diapers TOO, but we've got our own problems.

And solution number one: Dont count on other nations people to pull your ass out of the can.

I sure dont expect you folks in the UK to get bent out of shape about it...even if you did for the wrong reasons.

Alls I know is, I NEVER downplayed the importance of YOUR raves getting busted.

Nor those in the Czech (sp? even though I've been there?) republic, nor those in Russia, NOR THOSE IN THE STATES.

I may not have time to help you, but at least I dont go around expounding on how your civil right violations dont deserve any attention because your country didnt hold my hand, or because they enslaved Africans 4 centuries ago.

Choose your battles friends, no need to single yourself out as a calass douche, especially in the face of a growing issue that faces all of us.

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Post by anonymouse » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:35 pm

computo wrote:solution number one: Dont count on other nations people to pull your ass out of the can.

I may not have time to help you, but at least I dont go around expounding on how your civil right violations dont deserve any attention because your country didnt hold my hand, or because they enslaved Africans 4 centuries ago.

Choose your battles friends, no need to single yourself out as a calass douche, especially in the face of a growing issue that faces all of us.
That's pretty rich, considering the UK were the only fucking idiot country to significantly accompany the USA into needlessly flattening Iraq and fostering a hornets nest of global terrorist cells.

However Computo, I'm sure your jockish sense of ingratitude to the UK is pretty reflective of most of your compatriots. You can't be blamed. Fox News, Evangelical Christians and Bill O'Reilly are your brainfood after all.

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Post by Agent47 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:47 pm

If Iraq was flattened we wouldn't still be there kicking doors in and fighting house to house midieval style. Can someone remind me again why we didn't flatten Iraq?? Oh yes...political correctness..
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Post by ishimaru » Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:35 pm

Dude Saddam killed hundreds of thousands. Fuck that fucker. The people of Iraq are better than they were 5 years ago under the rule of Saddam. They can vote for there rights and shave there beards. The women can walk free and stand tall. When everyone who is against us looks back 15 years from now they will look foolish.
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