Routing Midi from an AU plugin (NORA)

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Routing Midi from an AU plugin (NORA)

Post by UncleAge » Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:51 pm

When I use SquaredHeads NORA AU plugin (not vst) on a track the separate midi channels (outputs) are available as inputs on other instruments tracks. And by this I am saying that on the receiving track, in the "Input Type" list there is a "Nora 1 Input" option and if I select it the "Input Channel" dropdown, right below it, will let me select one of the output channels. As of right now this works with NORA 2.5 & Live 8.4.2

I don't know why this funcionality is there but I am glad it is there. It's something that I wished in the past was present for other plugins like Kontakt, Guru, Consequence or any other plugins that can transmit midi on different channels. I did not change anything in preferences in Live or the plugin. I drop it onto the track and it works. NORA itself can accept midi on different channels and route the output to different channels thus allowing a lot of different setups.

My questions is this; Are there any other plugins that, on purpose or by accident, provide this same functionality in Live?

For those who may wonder how something like this may be of value:
As an example you could have two midi tracks 1 & 2 driving NORA on track 3. Now lets say you have 5 more tracks 4-8 (one synth/sampler on each) setup to receive data. NORA can process that incoming data from track 1 and send three different sequences out to the first 3 synth tracks (4,5,6) and at the same time process the other midi coming in from the second midi track and route those separate sequences to the last two synth tracks (7,8).

Now I believe the ability for AU plugins to send midi has been in the spec for some time now. I recall a developer stating that in a thread a long time ago. It was a conversation of AU vs. VST specs, not a better or worse thing just a feature by feature type of a thing. Anyway the consensus at that time was that it was Apple's spec and even Apple didn't make any use of it (plugins transmitting midi) in Logic so most devs figured why bother. Now I know that Logic is allowing for MFX plugins now and that's all good and fine but as of right now this just happened for me in Live. And that means they (Ableton) coded it in some time ago "just in case". So my question remains...

Are there any other plugins that, on purpose or by accident, provide this same functionality in Live?

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