Push custom remote script? Need small help...

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Push custom remote script? Need small help...

Post by maara » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:10 am

Hi all,

I'd need a small help from some experienced devs..........
I want to make my own remote script but I am quite struggling with it - I have read the api reference, checked the framework, read the post on the forum explaining how to create the scripts (and few others). but still can't get it working.
In other words, even the __init__ and the main script containing a simple play button mapping for the Push play button, the Live is not responding for some reason.
For 2 days I am trying to debug but no luck.... I have no errors in the log or whatever but still have a feeling that I am missing a point somewhere so wanted to ask - could anyone please send me a snippet of the simplest full code, how to get this thing working? How do I make the push to initiate? - do I need to care about the firmware handling, handshakes and similar actions as in the original remote scripts?

Thanks a lot for your help!!!
Live Suite 9+M4L+APC40+MOTU Ultralite MK3+Maschine MK2+AXIOM 25

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