Someone Please Build This ! I will pay $

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brian sansone
Posts: 130
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:37 am

Someone Please Build This ! I will pay $

Post by brian sansone » Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:10 am

I need a "multimap" device

There are several , excellent, multimap devices on I use Mother Garage's newest multimap device.
His device has 8 macro knobs that can map to anything, plus a bunch of bells and whistles.
Its a great device, but it has several major limitations.

1. You can not map more than one parameter to each knob.
2. There is only one way communication. If you move a a multimap knob that is mapped to another multimap, in turn mapped to a parameter,
the parameter will change, but the knob will NOT update. And as soon as you turn the knob, the parameter jumps to that value.
This causes problems when trying to automate, or use scene launches to instantly change parameters. Two way communication would
SOLVE several problems

Here is what I need , and would pay $$ for

A multimap device of 8 or more macro knobs ( mother garage's latest is a great device very similar to what I need ) that has:

1. Two way communication between the the multimap's knobs and it's mapped knobs. Turning the mapped knob turns the multimap knob ( and instantly updates the values), and visa versa.

2. The ability to map more than one parameter to each knob; like lives native macro knobs

This device would change my life!!

I apologize in advance, as this is very difficult to explain.

So I wanted to be able to control parameters across several tracks from one track.
Lets say I have three tracks, each hosting a different bass instrument.
I group those tracks, and add a multimap device to the group's master track.
I then map to parameters I want to control ( one of those parameters being the volume of each of the instruments )
I can now control all kinds of stuff from the one multimap in the group's master track.

The issues start when automation is added.

Now lets say I want to use a scene launch with clip automation to snap to specific values on the multimap knobs.
Lets say to drop the volume of two of the instruments, and raise the volume other.
Well I can only automate the clips, and not the multimap knobs on the group's master, and since there is not two way communication,
the multimap's knobs do not update via its MAPPED knobs moving through automation lanes.
It will show the change on the MAPPED knob, but the parameter will not change until you touch the knob,
then it will jump to the value.

I have been using an unlinked automation lane with a breakpoint to move the value by 1 the first few milli seconds into the clip.
This causes the multimap knob and parameter to snap to where I want is.

This is obviously a ridiculous solution. Knobs that update each other would be a real solution. I just dont know how to build it

Posts: 129
Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:38 pm

Re: Someone Please Build This ! I will pay $

Post by twitterytom » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:34 am

I made two separate devices.

One that let's you map an arbitrary number of dials to one dial and another one that does the multimap 1-to-1 with bidirectional communication.

The thing is my multimap device is for my specific use case where I'm not mapping to specifically defined parameters but to all of the currently selected device. I made it so you have to give the device a name with "_controllable" at the end so my multimapper doesn't annoyingly map to any device you happen to select.

But changing it to give it some map buttons should be a matter of 30 minutes. It's not beautiful but it works. The bidirectional communication has some hazards which you have to figure out but I managed to get around it. (things like dials feeding back to each other and starting to arbitrarily move by themselves).

it seems stable now though

Posts: 438
Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:34 pm

Re: Someone Please Build This ! I will pay $

Post by Parametex » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:35 pm

I would be very interested on the exact same device myself!

I constructed a 2 device system myself but I don't consider it light nor stable enough for live use.

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