Reason 9.5 announces VST support

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Re: Reason 9.5 announces VST support

Post by Slacker4hire » Tue May 09, 2017 4:23 pm

I always enjoyed Reason for some *ahem* reason

I liked the cables/rack paradigm but the lackluster sequencer and no plug in support meant I ended up moving to Live around version 4 or 5.
But this news not only perked my ears up but I bit and upgraded my license. I don't regret it at all.

I really wanted to like Live over the years because I knew and still know that it's the better DAW- on paper. But I still prefer my Maschine mk2 to my Push 2, and M4L never really did much for me besides handy Lfos and some serious cpu strain.

So personally this is great news for me, and I may be the only one but I do intend to switch to Reason as my daily driver.

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Re: Reason 9.5 announces VST support

Post by rolfski » Tue May 09, 2017 10:42 pm

Had one of my most fun times making music definitely in Reason back in the early 2000's. Going loop bonanza with Dr Rex was amazing! Also loved Redrum, but wasn't too hot for Reason's effects, which were pretty much run-of-the-mill back then. Also wasn't too keen on the wiring interface. Eventually the need for good sounding VST's, audio stretching algorithm and a better sequencer finally made me switch to Albleton 5.

Nowadays, I'm not sure if I could switch back to Reason's real rack interface any more, but I guess it's great for sound designers who want to freak out on connection possibilities.

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Re: Reason 9.5 announces VST support

Post by jlgrimes » Wed May 10, 2017 12:40 am

Good that Props finally bit the bullet and implemented this.

That said I don't think many folks will be switching from Ableton to Reason (two totally different workflows) but VST in Reason is a huge deal.

No doubt a lot of Reason only users will be happy especially being able to use all of the cool VSTS that are not possible with Rack Extensions.

Reason over time added a lot to their arsenal (Audio, nice time stretching/pitch correction, a good take system, midi out, and finally VSTS).

That said there is still a lot in Reason that leaves more to be desired, but I'm guessing future versions will resolve some of these issues.

On the other hand I always felt Reason has a great factory library and some of their Rack Extensions (and even Native devices) are pretty cool.

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Re: Reason 9.5 announces VST support

Post by kitekrazy » Wed May 10, 2017 2:45 am

I use Live's session view to mess around. Audio loops are cumbersome in Reason. You can drag a midi file in Live an choose an instrument. In Reason it opens up an ID8 instrument. You can audition a midi file in Live's browser. Both took a step back in their browsers. You use to be able to audition a synth patch in Reason 7. Live 9's browser needs to constantly update if you made any changes. I like both apps. They are apples and oranges to me.

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Re: Reason 9.5 announces VST support

Post by dna598 » Mon May 15, 2017 12:30 pm

I just downloaded the demo of Reason. It feels really dated and cumbersome. Obviously i am used to the simple ableton workflow, which is going to be hard to beat. Perhaps there are things it can do that Ableton can't...but i do not have the inclination to find out.
ctrl + left/right = select transient

ctrl + shift + left/right = select between transients

ctrl + space = play selection

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