Arduino Based MIDI Guitar Project

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Arduino Based MIDI Guitar Project

Post by elearor » Mon May 14, 2018 2:00 pm

Hi, I'm rebuilding a project that uses Ableton as its DAW. I'm using an Arduino, so if anyone knows anything about them in cooperation with Ableton, please read on and see if you can help.

The project is a MIDI controller powered by an Arduino Micro that uses softpot potentiometers, piezos and a joystick. Dean Miller crafted it, as well as uploading a code and schematics, which I recommend you view/read here:



About the ribbon synth guitar: ... lly-rocks/

I have hooked the components up to the Arduino Micro and run the code. One part of the project involved hacking into a MIDI>USB cable's subcircuit and using that cable as means of connection. At the moment, I'm just getting a near constant stream of MIDI notes out of nowhere, leaving the LED on the subcircuit lit up (I believe it turns on when it detects a MIDI input). The noise changes *slightly* when I touch the piezos/softpots, but it shouldn't be doing this.
(Please see my video here to see what I mean:

I have decided - after being advised on the Arduino forums - that I should use a standard computer-to-Micro connection with a normal USB rather than this cheap hacked cable - but apparently I would have to adapt Dean's existing code and make use of the Arduino's MIDI libraries to do this. I am a total novice when it comes to coding, to be honest, but I really need this fixed - if someone knows how to make that change in the code.

Please also view Dean's demo video in the hackaday article above if you want to see how the components should be working and how a user interacts with them to get sound.

I have also installed the package that works alongside Arduino components and whilst there's communication, I can't seem to map anything that causes an analogue component to actual send out a note. I can use my keyboard as input to send a note and the softpot (for example) changes the pitch, because I've mapped it that way, but that's not how I want it to function. At least I know everything is in working order!

But yeah, if anyone can please help or put me in touch with someone who might know how to fix this, that would be wonderful. Thank you. Also: sincere apologies if I'm in the wrong part of the forum!

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Re: Arduino Based MIDI Guitar Project

Post by blof_eld » Thu May 24, 2018 5:27 am

I would actually think that the problem is more likely between your grid and the Arduino, and you should be checking what data is actually being sent.

"Fixing" the MIDI interface by shoehorning some MIDI HID code in would probably be quite a bit of work and likely wouldn't solve the real problem which is that the Arduino is thinking that you're pushing buttons or turning knobs when you actually aren't, and that's why it's sending a lot of MIDI data.

I just looked at your code (from ... nth_v3.ino - the newer code from the readme in your link), not the code you linked to.

You could just try some simple example code on the Arduino to test if the MIDI part of your code is working, eg just change your loop function to this:

Code: Select all

void loop() {
  channel = 1; // not sure if this should be 0 or 1, anyway should work
  noteOn(0x90 + channel, 1, 100);
  noteOff(0x80 + channel, 1);
That should just send a noteon/off message every second.

If that works OK, then the problem is between your controllers and the Arduino.

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