Piano Roll Suggestions: Strumming, Scale Modulation

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Piano Roll Suggestions: Strumming, Scale Modulation

Post by calfilmmaker » Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:26 pm

I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse with some of these suggestions but just thought I'd throw them out here since I don't see these on the front page currently.

Again, these would just be minor nice to haves that some of the other DAWs currently have.
  • Strumming and general performance options in the Piano Roll. There is a third party plugin that accomplishes this but really it should be integrated into the piano roll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/strum-effects-10-49643850
  • Note Splitting Options - highlighting MIDI Notes, right clicking, and being able to split those notes into eighths, sixteenths, and so on. This is something that FL Studio has already had for a really long time. This would also be really useful for precisely adjusting open hi hats for example.
  • Scale Modulation in MIDI Clip - Dynamic scale highlighting depending on where you are selecting in the MIDI Clip Timeline. For example, being able to highlight notes on the first four bars as C Major, the next four bars to C Mixolydian, the next four to F Major etc.
  • Chord Stamping - FL Studio gives you the ability to left click and stamp chords in root position, which is really useful for on the go musicians at an airport or cafe who are not used to using their computer keyboard to input MIDI. This would allow us to create progressions on the go without having to use a third party max for live plugin or Scaler. What would be even cooler is modulation suggestions. Say for example if we could tell the MIDI Clip we are in C Major and wanted to modulate to A Mixolydian, it would be great if the chord stamper could give us chord suggestions for modulating.
  • Color Coded Note Sliding - Technically Ableton allows you to do this note by note in the polyphonic expression section, but being able to slide by note color coding would be a faster workflow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7jg_T ... =NMTStream
  • Scale Detection from Ableton's MIDI Clip Focus Mode - We already have something similar to FL Studio's Ghost Notes, as demonstrated by Decap here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_U7C_j ... nnel=DECAP
    What would be really cool in Focus Mode is if we got dynamic scale detection based on the chords of another MIDI Track. For example if a harmony has a G7 chord, the MIDI clip could suggest or highlight the Mixolydian scale, or for a G7b5#9 maybe it would highlight some kind of Locrian or diminished scale. This kind of goes back to my suggestion of allowing multiple scales to be highlighted for different parts of the MIDI Timeline.

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Re: Piano Roll Suggestions: Strumming, Scale Modulation

Post by jlgrimes » Sun Feb 13, 2022 1:57 am

Great suggestions.

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