At wits end with random CPU spikes

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At wits end with random CPU spikes

Post by Samtar » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:39 am

here's what latencymon suggested
I don't want to turn off CPU throttling... as I've heard that can fry your CPU, and I'm considering doing the BIOS update, though I'm not sure why that would be the issue.

here's also a video of the issue ... with_less/

Part of that reddit post may be irrelevant as I thought it was only happening with that one song, but has seemingly started to happen with other songs.

I have an i9-10850k, with 32gb RAM, it's custom built and only a year old.
I have turned on high performance mode on my PC
I have turned of hiDPI on ableton

Things to note are.

A. It doesn't always happen, and appears to be completely random
B. When it does happen, it doesn't matter if I stop running the song/delete tracks the spikes just keep coming
C. Task manager doesn't show any noticeable increase in anything
D. It is sometimes accompanied by audio pops/stuttering
E. This is a very new issue with this computer, and this thing used to be smooth as butter

Any help or ideas would be wildly appreciated.



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Re: At wits end with random CPU spikes

Post by H20nly » Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:52 am

The highest spike was 24% for total CPU use and it seemed to be around 6% average. That's not very high, but...

I have seen where automation can leave ghosts around after items have been moved or deleted. Maybe try turning that off and see if runs a little smoother.
LoopStationZebra wrote:it's like a hipster commie pinko manifesto. Rambling. Angry. Nearly divorced from all reality; yet strangely compelling with a ring of truth.

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