Triggle mode

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Triggle mode

Post by bigbadotis » Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:01 am

I am playing an analog synth directly into Live. I am using that synth to create all parts (drums, base, pad, melody). Basically I put a bunch of channels into record and start layering.

What I want is a toggle mode where recorded clips begin playback immediately after recording (like they do in trigger mode). I want to combine this with the ability to start and stop the clip by clicking it (like in toggle mode).

So I'm looking for a combination of trigger / toggle. Triggle mode?

Without this I have to disable record mode to stop a clip, and then reenable it when I'm ready to record another clip in the next slot. This is very ineffiecient and SLOW for me, especially since I'm using a foot pedal to trigger everything (my synth is a keytar).

Anybody know a work around?

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The trouble with triggles

Post by radder » Fri Feb 13, 2004 8:51 am

Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Bring on Triggle mode! It would make 100% improvised sets that much easier.

In the absence of triggle mode, here's how I do it - I set up two MIDI keys for each clip i want to record into. one for its slot button and one for the STOP button for that clip's track. Kinda wasteful of your MIDI map, but I can't figure out a better way to do it.


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Post by bigbadotis » Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:05 pm

geez. somehow I never even noticed that button was there to stop the track without leaving record mode, thanks.

but it would still help to have triggle. every button counts when you're using a foot pedal. or an Oxygen for that matter.

bring forth the triggle!


Post by notoric » Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:32 am


some time ago, I wrote this post:




Post by montrealbreaks » Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:13 am

I don't know if I understand exactly what the issue is here - I find that I can record and keep the clip playing no prob...

I have the "record" button on my transport control set to enable the track record on a special "record only" track. I think you could do something similar with a pedal board that transmits CC messages...

For instance:

One button on the footboard to toggle the record enable on one track set aside for recording only (I call it my "Record Track")
One button to hit the "Play" in the highlighted scene on your Record track
One button for "Stop" in the Record track
One button to advance scenes. (Or a MIDI expression pedal to handle scene advancing).

Recording would go like this:

You get your instrument ready, advance to the scene you want (with the pedals), and get your record enabled. Then, you hit the "rec" button in advance of the Global quantize), and start playin on the downbeat. When you're done, either hit the play or stop buttons. Let's assume you wanted the loop to keep playing, so you hit that one. The play will trigger the track to play without interruption. Hit the record enable toggle button, and now your stop and play will work normally.

If I didn't understand the nature of the problem, my appologies... It seemed fairly straightforward though.



Post by montrealbreaks » Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:18 am

It seems to me that the Electrix Repeater did a good job of recording and playing on the fly... I used to own one, but I got rid of it when I started figuring out Live. I never used the foot pedal inputs, so I can't get specific, but guitarists the world over still seek these things out with hungry desire. They pay top dollar for 'em too - I had mine for a while and sold it for more than it cost me new. (It's always nice to turn a profit on gear you used for a couple of years!!!)

Maybe a system like the Repeater had would work for you.


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Post by bigbadotis » Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:26 pm

hey montreal, it doesn't work for me to only have one record track. I'm really looking for handsoff recording here. I don't want to have to touch my laptop if at all possible, I want to keep my hands on my instrument. Since I'm recording all my parts Live, only having one record track would mean I would have to grab each clip and then manually drag it over to a different track in order to play them simultaneously.

I had a Repeater until Live came out. I can do a lot more with Live and would never go back to using a Repeater. There are just a few things that Live could add that would make it easier to use for instrumentalists, whether you're a horn player a keyboardist or a guitarist.

Triggle mode is one of those things.

Being able to bounce particular tracks (not just the master bus) in realtime during performance is another. So that a sax player could take three lines he/she plays in harmony, bounce them down and then apply effects to the new clip, rather than having to try and match up effects on three seperate clips.

Just the top two on my personal wishlist.

Thanks for the link notoric, I searched the forum before I posted but didn't find that... glad to see other people have the same thoughts.


Post by montrealbreaks » Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:22 am

Hey Bigbadotis... I getcha now, I wasn't understanding your requirements. Yeah, my system wouldn't really work for you. I can't think of a temporary workaround, either. Triggle mode it is then.

It's interesting that we both used Repeaters. I wonder how many Live users are ex Repeater owners (or current Repeater owners?) I think I'll post that question in the General category...


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yes, trigger/toggle mode

Post by aviavi » Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:54 am

I wholeheartely agree. We need a triggle function.


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Post by mariner » Sun May 22, 2005 10:46 pm

This is exactly what i and the rest of the live looping world have been waiting for.

Bring on the "TRIGGLE" mode!

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Post by illsub1 » Thu May 26, 2005 8:11 pm

from another ex repeater user, Triggle mode is a necessity!!!!!!!! Please

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I agree!!

Post by Groovecake » Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:36 pm

I have discovered after a couple weeks with Live that I REALLY need a Triggle function!!

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Re: Triggle mode

Post by Avelon » Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:51 pm

Hi from the future!

I couldn't agree more - we still need a triggle mode. It would safe so much buttons I have to midi map if I could stop a clip by just pushing on the same clip...!!!
And then I also wouldn't have to use two hands on my push to stop a clip.
Also we still need the always armed function and arm on select...
I help myself with the plugin "arm me" on almost every of my tracks.
So everything is red and I don't have free slots to stop clips on my Push 2. I help myself with empty midi and audio stop clips I created.
But at least it stays always armed and I can just start playing with the midi controller on the suiting channel.

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