Midi controller assignments on stand alone

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Re: Midi controller assignments on stand alone

Post by DoubleWah » Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:55 am

I'm idly wondering if some kind of midi mapping in standalone might be possible with some clever max4live device programming? An m4l device could sit on a midi track receiving input from a controller and route this out to anything in live via the live object model, so that part shouldn't be a problem. The issue would be grabbing the identity of the last touched control within live. What I'm wondering is whether this is exposed within max4live (I honestly don't know enough to be sure). If so, then we could (I think!) remap the tips button to trigger a max4live device to map the last moved control on push to the last moved control on a midi device surely? Or am I just hopelessly confused about the capabilities of max4live?

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