Electro Drum rack

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Electro Drum rack

Post by ERIC27 » Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:45 pm

Among tremendous pack, sub packs, drum rack, and sub-drums racks.... no ONE is for electro sound.

i WISH :D something like this by default in Standard Live, SIMPLE (not an instrument with tremendous parameters), easy for ELECTRO (trance, edm, etc.) DR in "two click" and adapted parameters.
(it also would be a good point in order to fit best to target clients as to propose more than concurrence - from my pov)

Sugg : As this plug in image, with a short left frame for selecting instrument in list (Snare, kick, Hihat, Woosh, etc.) with (important) SAME BASICS BUTTONS (and disposition, basics : decay, sustain etc.) in order to get something standardised and s-i-m-p-l-e.
(with at least on right two Rever knob if possible - we are here in electro drums ! : up the level, under the frequency ; or 4 knobs..)

=> Time saver rather than having to do ourselve
=> I know I can get this Plugs (by instruments), but +250 doll for MAX only for this need, no thanks ; also, wouldn't it be a good value for Standard version and client + target etc. ?

Not 10 plugins as this with Max, but ONE simple plugin by music style (and all DR instrument in left frame).
Sexy : same design/look as img, with colors resepective to styles (eg : Pink for trance, Purple Clubbing ou EDM, Brown Orchestral, Black Hard rock, Red Rock, Yellow Latina, Etc.

Colors by sound style
All DR instr in left frame
Not more than 6 knobs (+reverb)

Personnaly (starting need bringing me to this idea..), starting Trance music, and I regret there isn't a default easy plug for Trance Drums in your Fantastic Live, with time to do one etc..

And then clean up a bit with so much racks by default that we get lost :)


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