Stability issues

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Stability issues

Post by JAZMAN » Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:37 am

Long time no see
I started using Live 20 years ago (version 3 I think it was). Got as far as buying the boxed 8 suite upgrade as I wanted the orchestral samples. The only reason I upgraded to 9 was to buy and use Push. There was only one of them then. I found however, the whole exercise somewhat a crash prone mess. All of this on a new MBP which I still have and am still using. This was about the time Bitwig came out and people were deserting Ableton in droves.
I pretty much gave up on Live and ended up using Studio One for the last 10 years, also acquiring NI Komplete and Maschine.
Bought an MPC Live2 a couple of years ago and have just ordered an Akai Force. Moving to the dark side.....stand alone, and no I didn't even consider buying Push 3 for one second. Hell I hadn't even had Push 1 for a year and they wanted me to trade it in on a Push2, paying even more again that I had paid for Push in the first place. I don't think so.
Given that I've come pretty much full circle and because of the file swapping between Ableton Live and Force I decided to fire up Live9 with the Push for the first time in years. Yep same old crash crash bang crash.
Thought maybe I should try the 30 day demo of 11. Nah don't be stupid I told myself. It'll never work on your 10+ year old MBP, even though it does meet the minimum specs.
I just can't believe it. it's ROCK SOLID!
This just mystifies me.
I have since looked further into the file sharing between Force and Live and it hardly seems worth it to upgrade, given the cost and the severe limitations on what can actually be transferred between the 2.
Can't help wondering if somehow my installation of Live9 is somehow corrupted and if it might pay to remove it, download again and re-instal but then again I've already done that when replacing the Mother board about 4 years ago.
Is it just that Live9 is unstable? If so it's a paid upgrade to get something that works. 8, which I have on disc even if it's not available to download, won't support Push anyway.
I would be interested to hear from any Force users here who find the file transfers useful.
Cheers and thanks in advance for any comments or tips.

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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:42 am
Location: Adelaide Australia

Re: Stability issues

Post by JAZMAN » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:47 am

Just a quick update. Found I get a free version of Live Lite with the Force so have installed it. Yet to bother trying it out but if Suite works I can't see there being a problem. Given that I don't use lots of tracks it's maybe all I need when the demo runs out. Main interest is hosting VSTs.

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:47 pm

Re: Stability issues

Post by x3000 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:16 pm

I also had the luck of crashes and in my case it was due to a VST plugin. This plugin was part of a project and every time I tried to open the project, Live crashed. I then had a suspicion and simply deleted the plugin - now the project could be opened again - it did complain because the plugin was now missing - but it didn't matter.

I can only advise you to use third-party plug-ins sparingly, even if there seem to be millions of them out there, with one being better than the other ;)

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