PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by lookmom » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:18 am

Add generative/algorithmic sequencer and workflow similar to that of torso t-1 for immediacy in creative exploration and inspiration.
should be simple to implement and will greatly elevate the usability and live performance aspect of push3.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by lookmom » Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:36 am

now that akai is releasing stem sampling ableton seems like the only one left out.
can we get seamless integration for stems separation in live and push workflow too pretty please 🙏

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by viajero » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:02 pm

Please make it so the octave up and down buttons do not reset to the C base note when playing in a different range setting.

I often set the key of the Push 3 based on the song I'm playing using "shift-octave". Whenever I need to move up and down octaves in that range, the octave buttons reset to a C as the base note and I have to "shift-octave" again to get back to where I was which makes no sense. I think this is a bug, but if not, please at least make this as another button press combo or something that can be changed in settings- Thanks!

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by robleighton22 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:56 am

Please make fine adjusting of start and end points for recorded audio clips. All external recording have some slight lag for me in the recorded audio, and unlike any other hardware sampler I've owned, it's a pain in the ass trying to fine adjust the start point in Push. Guess the only option is to make the audio clip a simpler track and adjust from there bits it's not intuitive. I want to adjust start and end points like how my S2400 works with it's tiny OLED screen, or any other sampler for that matter.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by treat » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:52 am

all in the Beta 2.0b.26
UI starts to bug out once there is too much going on...
UI freezes when there is too much going on...
had push crash several times or get terminals stuck while recording automation, loading drum racks etc..
also sometimes I can add stuff to the matrix (in wavetable,. meld and roar) sometimes I can't...


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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by Tarekith » Sun Feb 04, 2024 3:51 pm

Issues with the beta should be reported on the Centercode beta forums, not here please.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by cjonesnyc » Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:06 pm

It would be nice to have the option to keep the current metronome count-in bars constantly on screen while recording/playing and not just for count-in.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by tanis » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:36 pm

Here is my wishlist. Everything refers to the STANDALONE mode:
  • Arrangement view. I can't believe there is no way to arrange a song in SA mode.
  • Exporting a song (for the time being a live performance... if there was an arrangement view it would be the full arrangement) to WAV/MP3 and being able to put it on an USB stick
  • Macro mapping
  • Cloud mode. Let us connect to Dropbox, Drive or any other cloud provider to move sets, samples, presets, etc back and forth
  • A quick way to download/update packs. The current one is tedious... it takes forever to do them one by one

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by TheMoonshiner » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:33 am

Yeah we need a quicker way to update packs. Preferably a Update All option.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by mortenwagner » Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:47 am

Is it just me, or does anybody else have seemingly random pulsing pads in scene view? I mean; it’s not only the pad representing the playing clip that pulses, but several other ones, not activated. I have a set with several groups etc., and maybe it could be related to that?

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by fivefloral » Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:49 pm

lookmom wrote:
Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:18 am
Add generative/algorithmic sequencer and workflow similar to that of torso t-1 for immediacy in creative exploration and inspiration.
should be simple to implement and will greatly elevate the usability and live performance aspect of push3.
100% this

Seeing as the Push is designed and marketed as a "creative hub" and performance tool, I really hope suggestions like the one given above are a core focus for the Push going forward.

The MIDI tools in Live 12 are great. Hopefully they become fully integrated into the Push UX flow, and are enhanced with a similar workflow to that offered by the Torso T-1.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by Goozburger » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:13 pm

When launching a scene using the jog wheel, there should be an option in settings where the jog wheel would automatically point to the next scene. This would be amazing for performances and I think very simple to implement.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by beebeeveevee » Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:03 am

Really simple one but baffling to me why it’s not there…

Make clicking the jog wheel left and right move left and right through the columns in a submenu.

At the moment you have to turn the jog wheel so much to move through lists, when you should be able to just click right to get to the column you want and then use the jog wheel to get to the specific thing you want.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by Goozburger » Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:56 pm

A feature that I think would be incredible is to make the session view clip be able to do overdubs similar to that of an Boss RC505 with visual feedback as to whether you are in Record, Overdub or Play mode (Red, Yellow, Green). It would make it an absolute dream to perform and loop with live. I know the hardware is more than capable to do this and it would just crush the competition for a looping device. For now you have to go through all sorts of complicated midi mapping with the looper and even the user interface with the looper device on Push is really sub optimal as it stands. Switching between record, overdub, and play via a knob is absolutely useless and it would be great to be able to set the length of the loop via the knob. Even if just the looper device got a refresh in its user interface that would be a huge game changer.

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Re: PUSH 3, Bugs and features wishlist

Post by palebluebot » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:09 am

Bug encountered with Meld when using on push standalone: unable to add LFO 1 rate to matrix. When you do try to, LFO 2 rate gets added to the matrix. Right now I'm getting around it by adding a presets that has some modulation assigned to LFO 1 rate so its already present the matrix and i can just scroll to it

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